Monday, July 28, 2008

waiting for the time.

Yesterday I finished DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo, a Korean movie, that I have been wanting to watch for awhile. It is actually based off of a fanfic by this famous fanfic writer, Guiyeoni, in Korea. She is famous enough to have her own wikipedia page. Three of her fanfics were made into movies. One of her fanfics was made into one of my favorite Korean movies ever, A Wolf's Temptation. Only in Korea and Japan you can get success as a fanfic writer and get your mediocre fanfic prose made into books and movies. Genius IDEA! I would love to do that but I have too much respect for literature.

Well as a movie, I thought it was pretty mediocre. I had read a little of the original fanfic but never got to finishing it. I got the basic dramatic Korean storyline (two guys fighting over one girl) but the movie didn't transition situations very well and was SUPER vague. Even though fanfics (which are horribly written and all driven by teenage girl fantasy) are also pretty vague (plus overly dramtic, unrealistic, but still too damn addicting to stop), I expected it COULD have been a good movie if directed right. The cast was not all that bad and I AM VERY MUCH IN LOVE WITH JANG GEUN SEOK (main guy) more now. Though I wouldn't say the couple had very much chemistry, it was still cute. Both male leads were INCREDIBLY good looking, of course.

Two best friends (who happen to like same girl!)

Brother and sister (she is the girl the guys are fighting over...)

(he is sooooo cute <3)

I am too lazy to explain the storyline because if I did I would pretty much give it away. So if you are so interested, go download the movie.

And here is the song from the trailer and in the movie.

I remember first seeing Jang Geun Seok in the drama Hwang Jini. He was just as cute then too. He has become pretty famous since hitting Hwang Jini and starring in Hong Gil Dong. He is pretty talented and dammmmn cute with his lovely baby face. He sings, he acts, he even PLAYS guitar, and im sure he can dance. I feel like fangirling for hours about him.

Well there is my little "review" (not really) for the movie. If you watch it, tell me how you like it. Here is another song from the movie.


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