Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Hairy Problem ...

Well kids, it’s haircut time again and I have a bit of a dilemma. This isn’t actually anything new though as I’ve been faced with this situation before. Or at least a similar situation.

So, here’s the deal. As you probably know I’ve been going to the same barber for some time now. I started going down there right after Sonja, the girl who owns the shop, opened up and have stuck with her throughout. She’s had a number of different people working for her that have left. One of them was the girl who had been cutting my hair for a while.

I considered going with this girl, who’s name I can’t seem to remember, but in the end I decided to stay loyal to Sonja cause I knew she was still trying to build a clientele. But, now I’m considering dumping her and going somewhere else.

See, the last three times I’ve gotten my haircut down there Sonja’s little sister, Jessica has been the one who cut it. And, she hasn’t done a very good job at all. I know she’s still new, but I can’t be having her mess up my beautiful coif rapidly graying hair.

So the way I see it is, I have four options....

1. Go to the same barber and just let whoever is available cut my hair.
2. Go to the same barber and let Sonja’s sister cut it just as I have the last three times there.
3. Go to the same barber and say that I’d rather have Sonja cut my hair and I’ll wait til she’s free.
4. Go to a different barber.

What to do. What to do.

If I go down there and just let whoever is free cut my hair, or if I go to a different place, I’m kind of rolling the dice a bit. If I say I want Sonja to cut it, I may hurt Jessica’s feelings. I don’t think I could sit there and think about that poor little (no really, she is little. She isn’t even 5 feet tall.) girl think that I’m some meanie and have to have her look at me with those sad eyes of disappointment.

But, I don’t want a shitty haircut either.

What’s that? Tell Jessica I haven’t liked the job she was doing and see if I can’t get her to do things a little different?

Oh I don’t know. I don’t want to be rude. And I don’t want to piss off the person handling the very sharp instruments. I mean, she could just kill me while doing the old neck shave thing. That would suck! And I just saw "Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" very recently, so I know how possible this is!

So as you can see I’m dealing with some pretty heavy shit here. These decisions aren’t easy to make. And they have long term ramifications. I mean, let’s say I do cheat on Sonja and Jessica and go to different barber. And, let’s say that this barber does a shitty job. Well, I can’t just go back to Sonja’s place in a few weeks pretending nothing happened. I mean she’ll know I’ve been spending time with a different barber and I’m not good at making up stories so she’ll know I’m lying. That’ll hurt her even worse than my walking out and staying gone.

So, I guess I’ll ask you guys. My great advice giving blog friends. What do you think I should do here? Other than letting it grow out all out of control, growing a mullet or getting my head shaved of course. I’ve already dismissed those three options. Although the mullet thing isn’t the worst idea. I hear the chicks really dig guys with those!

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