Saturday, July 26, 2008

everything packs a punch.

I felt the pressure to blog because one of our readers, drake mentioned that he (she?) is disappointed we havent been posting for awhile. One reason we haven't been posting for awhile is 1) pachia and i both are working (part-time jobs yeah but still fills up time...) and 2) no inspiration because summer does not give the creative juices flowing. just the lazy ones.

So a little update on my life (for your entertainment purposes). Lately just been immersed with work, social life and trying to get back on track on thinking about senior year (summer ends for me in almost FIVE WEEKS!!!!). For the last two nights, I just suddenly started to research different colleges and look at scholarships. Again, I feel the desperation of not knowing where I am going to apply to and trying to figure out what major I will be interested in. I found a site where college students review their colleges, though I am not sure how credible it is. It is good enough to get an idea since I believe the best way to find out what a certain college is like from the people who go there. And they even have some comments how they got into that college (the usual package of good gpa, good sat scores, and crazy extracurricular but i see a good emphasis on people saying "BE YOURSELF AND SHOW YOURSELF IN THE APPLICATION"). The big problem I know a lot of people my age are struggling with in applying to college is figuring how to pay for college. I know lots of people are in need of financial aid and one of my friends has decided to go to try obtain an military scholarship because he doesn't think he will get financial aid because his parents make too much but don't want to pay for his college. But he really doesn't want to go into the military at all. Are there other options out there to pay for college besides pulling out crazy loans or trying to get impossible scholarships? I believe there has to be...Oh and I also believe that some students get an unfair disadvantage about the whole "extracurricular" part of college applications. Not everyone knows that you should have lots of "strong extracurricular" activities to get into a good college. And not everyone can do things after school because of ride situations, parents, etc.

I will get over my rant about college application processes because I will have plenty more rants as the year will progress.

So I found this really cute site. Excuse my use of cute. That is how I would describe this site. So it is a site where you can make your own ACTUAL BOOK. You download this bookmaking software and you can make your own book and you just purchase to print it. I think it is really good idea, very creative. You can make books out of your own blog also. But I don't think this blog is worthy making a book out of yet. There were some really cute ideas for books on the site. I would love to make my own book (even if it was only for my own use). Also great way to publish your own photography. OMIGOSH. I just came up with an idea... great way to make memory book. Haha I think I will make this as a memory book for my high school years or my senior year.

I also found this other interesting site called One Word. It gives you one word and you can write anything about this word in sixty seconds. It is a great way to get rid of writer's block.

here is what I wrote for the word of the day: punch.
everything packs a punch. lemonade. drunk men. scary scenes in movies. i like things with a little kick, like fruit punch. i dont like people who throw punches. because abusive behavior is not the way to go joe. punch - is it a abusive word? is it a dangerous word? no idea. seems more like the drink. than the action.
not particularly poetic or anything. here is something someone else wrote (and makes me envy his skill).
He threw the punch right at my face. He missed as I pivoted around on my left foot, transferring the momentum to my right hand- square in the jaw. He fell back, dazed, as another of the man's lackeys came to try and beat me up. Except they didn't. One pulled a gun. He aimed at me, and fired. I regret nothing.
Today, while I was just eating and watching tv, I came across the movie, SAVED! on the OXY channel. It is a movie about "When a girl (Malone) attending a Christian high school becomes pregnant, she finds herself ostracized and demonized, as all of her former friends turn on her". Mandy Moore is one of the friends and she plays one of those psycho Christian girls who thinks praying heals everything (even medically). I did not get to finish it but I kind of liked it. It was pretty interesting. The main girl, Mary truely is believing in Jesus Christ in the beginning but when she gets pregnant and sees how when she prays, Jesus is no longer there and everyone around her turns against her, she loses faith. I think I will download it later and watch it but I just read the whole movie sypnosis on wikipedia but I still would like to see it. But after watching part of this movie, I was extremely attracted to Macaulay Culkin (even though he plays a handicapp) and Patrick Fugit (plays the guy Mary is attracted to). Culkin needs to play in more FILMS!!!

This movie reminded me of how crazy Christians can be. I've gone to church enough times to experience quite a few of those. The message of the movie was pretty much, you don't have to be perfect to be loved by God. And I totally agree. Sometimes, others forget that message.

Time for some more music for you should listen to and love. I have been listening to more Korean music again.

hope you liked the lonnnnnnng post.

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