Tuesday, July 29, 2008


oh my freaking goodnessssss!!!!!

The teaser trailer for the sixth Harry Potter movie is out. I am simply AMAZED that the movie is going to come out this year. But that also means it could be a "rushed movie" for it to come out so soon. I was not the biggest fan of the sixth book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince so I am not sure how I will like the movie. From the trailer, I am already a litte disappointed. I see it may have more focus on Voldermort's story. And I still don't like the new Dumbledore (well he isnt so new anymore). I really need to reread the last couple books to really remember and digest them.

When the last seventh book came out, Pachia and I actually went to one of those crazy Border parties the night before. It was pretty chaotic but a VERRRY interesting experience. But we were dumb enough to forget to pre-order the book so we ended up leaving at 1 am without a book but bought it the next day. As we were leaving, some guys were trying to sell the books outside of Borders, only five dollars higher (how stupid...). We were like "nawwww" but as we were in the car, Pachia said she wished she had asked to at least HOLD the LAST HARRY POTTER BOOK. Haha, good times. I read the seventh book in one night (from 12pm to 6am the next morning). It was pretty intense. I even went jogging after that with two of my friends, that morning, even without the sleep.

I started reading Harry Potter in second grade. My mom went and bought because she saw the big craze on the news so she wanted to know why the big hype. My mom read them also, but she stopped at book four. But I was pretty into them. I wasn't a super crazy fan, but close enough. One Christmas, I got a whole bunch of Harry Potter crap like a Hedwig stuffed owl, board games, a couple tee shirts, all that nerdy stuff. No matter how much my peers thought Harry Potter was "gay" as I got older, I still defended my love for Harry Potter books. I practically grew up alongside Harry, Hermornie, and Ron. They were around the same age as me when I first started reading them. And the movies, oh my goodness. They were more than I could imagine. They were like the perfect reflection of what I imagined while I read the books. I think the first three movies (and books) were the best. I used to reread the Harry Potter series every summer (back in my elementary days), from book one to the latest book.

One summer when the fourth book came out, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (that was a great book!!!), my cousins from Washington were visiting. I think I was in...fourth grade? fifth grade? Well my mom went to Costco with my cousins to go buy the book and grocery shopping, and my mom came back and said that they ran out of books. Well she was actually lying to me (and of course my cousins thought it was soooo funny ;[), and I was very very depressed. I wanted to CRYYYYY!! Well my aunt came later that day (she had just flown in) and she had bought presents for me and my cousins, she bought two Harry Potter books, one for me and one for my cousin! Well later my mother was the one feeling like a FOOOOOOL because she also had bought two Harry Potter books, one for me and one for her. So now I actually have THREE books of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Here are some pictures from the upcoming movie for you to drool over.

Over the years, I have fallen more in love with Ron, Rupert Grint. He is just too cute. I am not big fan of Daniel Radcliffe. He was much cuter when he was younger, but as he got older and his different hairstyles, I always felt a bit "ehhh" about him. But Rupert Grint has always been cute.

I am looking forward to the movies because that is all that is left. No more books, only movies. :( I will be very sad when the Harry Potter chapter of my life is gone. I hate it when a good series comes to an end. I will honestly feel depressed about it for a long time.


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