Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Other People's Sensibilities Aren't My Concern ...

So, I found out this week from Charlene that my blog is banned in Little Rock. Well, not the whole city, but it has been banned at the Arkansas Heart Hospital. BTW, that is where Charlene’s dad is currently, so if you get a chance please send some good vibes and positive thoughts his way. I’m sure they would be appreciated.

Anyway, Charlene informed me that she could not access my blog through the hospital’s wireless network because it was blocked for “objectionable content.” No. Fucking. Way!

Actually she says that “several” blogs are blocked for the same reasons. So, I guess that the corporate overlords of the Arkansas Heart Hospital have decided to protect their patients, guests and staff from themselves by making sure that they don’t “happen” upon my blog and be all offended like or something. How thoughtful of them, huh?

I’m actually more honored than anything else. This really is one of the proudest moments in the history of this blog. Getting banned, along with getting hate mail (and some fan mail from time to time too) tells me that people really are noticing me and that makes me feel good.

But you know, it’s entirely possible that some of the patients at that hospital would actually feel better if they read my blog. And it might perk them up a bit to get a chance to see a pic of .... Oh IDK ... maybe .... CARRIE UNDERWOOD IN A BIKINI!!

OW! Baby!

So, where was I? Oh yea, getting banned. Maybe I should sue? I wonder if I could get some airtime on Bill O’Reilly over this? Maybe I could turn this into some really good publicity? This would further my life’s desire to become a pseudo-celebrity and get pictures of me partying with Paris Hilton in Hollywood posted onto the pages of the gossip sites! It could happen!

Anyway, this also leads me to another situation that presented itself earlier this week. Tali, over at Misadventures has created a blog for her son. It’s a pretty cool idea too. It gives him a chance to work on his language and writing skills and all that cool stuff. I mentioned to her that I was reading his blog, but not commenting because I didn’t figure that she would want him to follow me back over to my blog. Tali said that she could block my blog if I was worried about that. That was sweet of her wasn’t it? But, if I wasn’t so damn lazy I could follow Dana’s suggestion and just create a separate blogger account and sign in on that one to comment over there. Cause what’s the fun of having a blog if you aren’t getting any comments, right?

BTW, before all you super sensitive mommy bloggers go bonkers I should let you know that Tali is monitoring her son’s internet usage very closely and he has to log on through one of these net nanny type software programs that blocks all the really bad sites. Unfortunately I haven’t achieved the level of offensiveness to get banned by that software ... yet.

What’s really funny about all this is that I’ve never really been particularly concerned that some kid might wander past my blog and see and read things that he/she shouldn’t. Mostly because I don’t really care. Because I don’t really consider it my job to protect anyone’s kids from my blog. I consider that to be their parent’s job. If parents are just going to let their kids get on a computer and surf the net and aren’t going to be worried or concerned about what they are seeing or reading then I’m not going to be either.

I’m fully aware that there are probably teenage boys (and maybe some girls too) are searching “Giada de Laurentiis Nude” or maybe even for pics of Haden Panettiere in her cowgirl outfit (Aunt Jackie was the first one to recognize "Claire Bennett." Good job Jaxxx! And Malcolm too, cause he recognized her also.) or whatever and are coming across this blog. Well, I got news for ya sport. You’ll have to put the lube down and keep searching cause those naked pics of Giada don’t exist. Okay, actually it’s because there really isn’t anything on this blog that they won’t find on network TV or at least on MTV and E! reality shows. So what the hell. If parents are letting their kids surf the net unsupervised then you know they’re not monitoring what shows those kids watch either.

Now, don’t get me wrong here. If I’m standing on a street corner and you and your kid are there too, and you don’t have a hold of your kid’s hand or have him on a leash or something and he starts to run out into traffic, do I feel obligated to grab him and keep him from getting run over by a bus? Yes. Unless I already have my camera in video mode and ready to go. CNN and Fox News will pay good money for videos like that, ya know. But, I don’t feel obligated to make sure your kid doesn’t read dirty words or see pics of scantily clad babes on this blog.

So, what have we learned today? That I don’t really care about your kids. No wait, that’s not it at all. It’s just that I don’t worry about things like kids finding my blog. I don’t really want to lay out a path to my blog for them, but if they happen to come across it then oh well. And if you don’t want your kids to see certain websites or watch certain television programs then it’s up to you to block those things, not up to me try to keep them away or up to the government or corporations to censor them on your behalf. Besides, this blog isn’t really THAT bad, and isn’t doing THAT much damage to society. No matter what crabby, bitchy, whiny, holier-than-thou emailers and the Arkansas Heart Hospital might think.

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