Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Anybody Want to Play With Me?

First of all this is NOT a sports post OK? Don’t say “oh I hate sports” and just “mark as read” in your reader.

Well okay, maybe it’s kind of a sports post, but it’s not what you think.

I thought I would see how many people in the bloggerhood, if any, would like to play some Fantasy Football in a basic free league? If we get enough people I was thinking of setting up a league. Hell, if we get enough maybe we could set up two leagues? Or, if you are one of those people that never plays in any league that you aren’t the commissioner of cause you got really fucked by somebody back in the day (I know people who are this way), then maybe YOU could set up a blog league? Or if we have enough I’d set up one league and somebody else could be commissioner of the second league.

Nothing hardcore, here. Just a basic league where people play for free. This way Fantasy Football Virgins could play without worrying too. So what do you think? No pressure. I won’t take it personally if you don’t want to be my friend hate fantasy football, or football (communist) or don’t have time for these things or whatever. I’m just throwing it out there as an idea.

But, if there are people who want to play, then we’ll need to get things going. Hell, the season starts in six weeks! I don’t know which site we would use. I’ve used Yahoo and its fine. But, it’s a little annoying that Yahoo doesn’t have free real-time scoring. You have to wait until Tuesday morning to see all the scores when the league updates. This didn’t really cause too much of a problem though cause it’s not hard to do the scoring myself, but real-time would be more fun. You can get real-time scoring on Yahoo, but you’d have to pay for it.

The site does have real-time scoring for free leagues and it’s also pretty easy to use. At least that’s what I’m told since I haven’t actually played over there yet. I know that there are several sites that have decent fantasy football games, so if anyone knows the *best* FREE site let me know.

Whichever site we use, I’ll post the updated league scoring and standings each Wednesday here.

Anyway, my plan is to award a trophy for the league winner. It won’t be a big fancy trophy, just an inexpensive little one. I want to keep the league to 12 teams, maybe 14. I hate 16 team leagues. There just aren’t enough good QBs or RBs for that. If we have enough for two leagues then each league winner will get a trophy!

Also, like I said this will be very basic. Nothing too complicated. We’ll play by the default rules. Well, maybe one minor adjustment. If the league gives one point for every 20 yards rushing I will change it to 1 point for every 10 yards. If the league allows that customization for free games, that is. But, I promise no rules changes after the draft. That would be unfair.

One other thing. It will be a friendly league. If I think two team owners are colluding in some way I’ll dock them points or DQ them. If I think somebody is making a one-sided trade by trading a really good player to another team, just to help them get into the playoffs, or is teaming up with someone else to screw somebody else out of the playoffs, or if someone is taking advantage of an inexperienced player, I’ll use my commissioner’s power to block the trade.

Just as an example let’s say that a pretty experienced player like say, Captain Corky, and a pretty inexperienced player like Tink are both playing in the league. And let’s say that Corky emails Tink and offers to trade Brian Griese for Tom Brady. And, being the suave, debonair, smooth-talking kind of guy Corky is, he talks her into it. Then I’d block that trade. Why? Because Tom Brady is the best QB in the league and Brian Griese is, in addition to being a drunk, a complete fucking bone-head who is way more likely to totally screw everything up than he is to do anything at all right. It would be a totally unfair and one-sided trade. In a league with people who are all NFL fans and have played FF before, it wouldn’t matter. But, in this league we wan to be nice.

Not that anything like that would happen. Corky would never try to take advantage of anyone and Tink would rip anyone’s balls off who she thought was trying to take advantage of her. So, I don’t foresee any problem there.

Okay, so that’s my idea. I just thought I’d throw it out there. Of course you’ll need a team name. Last year I put my team name up to a vote and “Beer and Boobs” won. But that team didn’t make the playoffs, so that name has been retired. I think I’m gonna go with Deatheaters this year. Something a little more intimidating.

Anyhoodle, what do you say? I’m just getting a rough idea here. I’ve never been commissioner of a league so I don’t even know how that works. I’ll try not to screw it all up. Anyone want to be a co-commissioner?

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