Saturday, August 16, 2008

when i was a freshman...

So for the second year in the row, I am in Link Crew at my high school which is a program where juniors/seniors help out freshman and help them get used to high school at freshman orientation. Last year I did it as junior and it kind of sucked. One reason was because on the first day of training, the two teachers who were in charge of it told us that Link Crew was no longer a "three day" thing, it was a YEAR LONG commitment. Usually we just do the summer orientation and training for two days and that is it, but last year was the first time they were going to try out a freshman mentoring program which would be once a week and we would meet with a group of freshman and a teacher. And of course none of us really signed up for that reason so we were all a bit annoyed. And I was very hesitant to sign up this year because I knew I would have to mentor freshmen throughout the whole year and last year's program was the first time and it was a horrible start. But I was "committed" because I am a psycho and wanted to put down "TWO YEARS OF FRESHMAN MENTORING!" on my college applications ( the things we do for college apps right? ).

So I wasted two days of my summer "training" for orientation and so TODAY was FRESHMAN ORIENTATION. So basically, two link crew leaders take 10-15 freshmen in a group and you sit in a class (no teachers) and you lead these group activities to break the ice, give tips on high school life, learn more about people you may or may not have known before, and just have "fun". I actually had an AWESOME partner this year and he helped me out a lot (and he was nice) and I had a GREAT GROUP of freshmen this year. They weren't the most talkative bunch but I had no obnoxious, "knuckleheads" and they were all pretty much respectful. So we did almost all the activities that were supposed to and pretty much just talked a lot about high school, what they expected out of high school, what they were nervous about, our experiences in high school and me and my partner (+ another junior who was in student gov't who helped out) just gave them MANY MANY tips about high school.

Being a senior, I realized so many things about high school and tips for the survival of high school and I hope they retained SOME of my advice because it is damn good advice. Last year, I thought the activities we had to do with the kids were pretty stupid like playing "count-off" where we count of 1-20 by random order of people but this year...I actually LIKED THE GAMES and thought they were pretty useful and most of my kids in my group ENJOYED the games. It was a great way for people to get to know people they wouldn't normally hang out with.

And seeing the incoming freshman, I realized the same qualities I had when I was their age--- shy, quiet, not the type to raise their hand and volunteer (at all). Pretty much typical quiet nerdy Asian girl, but in reality, that was not the real me. People in middle school knew me as loud, slightly obnoxious and very gossipy (yes very). But when I got to my high school, I knew almost no one and I just made quick friends who I really didn't like that much just to have people to hang with at lunch. But I realized by sophmore year, the way to have fun in school is DO STUFF and be OPEN and that is what I did and OH YES I AM GLAD I DID because I would not be where I am today if I had not. Now I have friends who I am very close with even though we have known each other for two years (little more, little less) and I am so many freaking clubs/extracurriculars that times flies by so fast. And now I am back to the type of person I really am--showy, always wants to be person to open their mouth and be opinionated and show off my smarts.

I have ONE WEEK until school starts. ohmyjeebus. And I still have summer homework to worry about that. I got my schedule today after freshman orientation and I am satisfied, pretty crazy schedule though. But I am just nervous and excited at the same time. Talking enthusiastically about how much I love my school reminds me how I am excited for the things to come, the events to happen, those memorable LAST THINGS and just doing as much as I can because I do not want to miss out. High school really is what you make it, and I am glad I can look back and say I have made high school into a great experience---not the super AWESOME life changing experience where I will pine for the good old high school days----but into the great growing experience. Four years seems so short and long at the same time. In my senior year I have just only realized the things I COULD HAVE DONE, the classes I COULD HAVE taken, the people I COULD have met. But this year, I am determined to make those could haves HAPPEN!!!!

my schedule for this year.
term one -
pre cal, pol science honors, econ, intro treb choir
term two - pre cal, eng lit ap, TA, intro treb choir
term three - physics, ap gov, lab tec, cal ap
term four - physics, ap gov, lat tec, cal ap


And to catch up what I have been doing, yes I have been watching the Olympics. Though I am not a big fan of swimming... I love watching badminton, basketball, SOOOOOOCCCCEEEEEERRRR, ROWWWWINGGG IS AWESOME, white water rafting, etc. I don't have particular favorite athletes I just watch whatever is on tv and I am just amazed about how ripped these athletes are (even badminton players!). I am just amazed by them. Oh and yes my parents are sooo estatic that South Korea is third in have most medals because that one guy who won swimming gold. Phelps has certainly made America proud.

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