Friday, August 29, 2008

disappointment, disappointment.

"When I heard they were turning the Korean romantic comedy My Sassy Girl into an American movie, I had mixed feelings. First, I was excited because I highly enjoyed the Korean original. But I was also skeptical because it seems many Asian movies translated into an American version simply aren’t as good. Either way, I knew just had to see My Sassy Girl." - Cara de Pescado

uh, same here cara. and ever since summer of 08 has started, i had been wondering a lot about when i was going to start seeing that movie trailer on tv! well, sad to say i went to hollywood videos the other day with the TP gang, and there it was! sitting on the shelf, stiff and new, never been watched. each and every single one of them. it was too disappointing to see them like that. i mean i knew i was going to be disappointed, but it was so bad that it didn't even get featured on tv? yikes, that must've been really bad. i didn't want to watch it, but tommy loved the original so much that he just had to see it (even though he saw the horrendous trailer), so we rented it and watched about 1/4 of it then just stopped altogether, because it was so bad not even marissa or tyler could stand it (and they havent even seen the original!). ahhhh... its good we stopped because the american version would've ruined the orignal version for them, which we're planning to watch the next time we have a TP movie night again.

really though, the movie was just bad. i mean i love jesse bradford and elisha cuthbert, they're great actors, its just that the movie didn't come out right. the humor wasn't there, the characters weren't right. cuthbert's character seemed more like a cracked out crazy lady than the sassy girl she was supposed to be. and although i really loved the movie's appeal with all the bright designs they added on, i just dont think it worked out right. as quoted by tommy, "she was better as a porno star." i guess we should've watched it to the end, but nothing was coming out right, and it just seemed like an odd rushed love story, that didn't really make sense. it just didn't translate right. it felt like you were reading a bad fanfic, those that dont make sense and have no development to it at all. blagh :( its gotta be a big zero for me. but then again you must consider that MY SASSY GIRL is the movie that changed my whole entire life, introduced me to this crazy new world of asian entertainment, that has basically shaped me into the person i am today! and if it wasnt for that movie, ck and i might've never even became friends. yuup, it was that freaking good of a movie. you need to watch it if you haven't yet :)

aside from that, good news you guys. yaaaaaayyyyyyy, i bought my camera today! OH MY GOODNESS. i'm so excited. im going to be posting pictures of evvvvverryyythinggggg.

and i can't believe mccain's vp choice is sarah palin. ahhhhhh! not that i don't like her its just ahhhhhhhh, frustrating. that means he's going to steal votes from obama just because he has a woman on his side!! i was pretty upset about it earlier this morning when i found out, but i guess the steam has cooled off. geeeez. i guess it's because i feel like obama is the only hope for america. we need a little change, don't you think? i dont want mccain to win! of course, yadadaa, we've all heard it, but it's true, it's just going to be bush all over again. why can't they lower the voting age? i guess i'm just going to have to wait another 4 years to vote.


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