Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Contest Ninja

It's not my style to brag but ....

Once again I have put my amazing Ninja-like mind skills on display for all to see. For the second year in a row, I fired up my ultra-competitive spirit along with lighting fast mental reflexes and WON the second round of Tink's 3rd Annual PB Contest last Friday. The contest being the big closing party of her 3rd Annual Summer Extravaganza.

I tell ya folks, I should have video taped myself winning that contest. It was something to see. I think that video probably would have become the standard for how to compete in blog contests. That video would be broken down and analyzed by people all over the world. Teachers would use it to inspire school kids and it would be used in seminars to teach business leaders how to use their analytical skills. They would probably be featuring me in the "Society" section of major newspapers and somebody would make an hour long special about me to be broadcast on CNBC or The Learning Channel. Maybe Discover Channel too, if they could squeeze it in with all the shows about animals killing and screwing.

But since there is no video the story of my legendary victory will have to be passed down the old fashioned way from generation to generation. Mothers and fathers will have to gather their children around an all-meat pizza, a case of Lone Star Beer and a bottle of Cabo Wabo Tequila the fireplace and tell them the inspiring story of my victory.


I do want to give a shout out to one of my competitors though. Fiwa fought hard and is certainly an impressive advisary worthy of my respect. Especially since I beat her in round two. But, I will be honest with you. Had I gotten the word verification wrong, Fiwa would have won that round. When I hit "publish comment" and the comment box reloaded my answers to the questions and Fiwa's popped up at the same time. Luckily mine were in front of hers so I won. I think that just adds more luster to my victory. It was so intese and close! But, congrats to Fiwa for coming back later and winning her own victory in the Surprise Round. That was a very impressive win. Well, as impressive as any win can be when I'm excluded from competing because of the fact that I had already won a round. haha ;-)~

Don't forget that tomorrow is the WWC. The words are High and Low. That is also hosted by Tink. You know, it's starting to become rather obvious to me that the blogosphere is pretty much Tink's world and the rest of us are just paying rent. That's okay though. She's cool.

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