Saturday, August 2, 2008

how i waste my summer days.

This is how my life has been for the past three months: home-work-home-work-home-home. Sometimes a few instances where I actually go out but my regular schedule is just staying home and blowing my mind out with mindless summer re-runs, youtube videos, regular internet activities, and reading blogs/making blogs.

So here is a glimpse of my daily entertainment:
so the people who i subscribe to are kevjumba (LOVE THIS GUY!), ndtitanlady, ninjadros, wongfuproductions. and then i just watch whatever i come across or friends recommend. the other day while browsing through my bookmarked list of blogs, i came across this hilarious youtube series, blogged by iliketoforkmyself. so i guess some korean guys (from korea of course) made a site where they actually teach you how to "bokko" dance which is the dance style koreans used to dance in clubs in like late 90s. i like it better than the wannabe "sexy" style they try to do in clubs now.

I would like to mention, I FREAKING LOVE how they have such serious faces and are so in synch. That takes really effing talent man. My goal is to show off some bokko moves in the club when I turn of legal age.

I love vloggers. They bring up entertaining subjects that we all randomnly think about. Watch what he says about the "sneeze-fart".

Who doesn't love a little KEVJUMBA? This guy is awesome. Though I have some feelings he has some internal issues about chicks. I feel sorry for his dad.

of course i am addicted to all those old summer reruns on tv. especially fresh prince of bel-air, roseanne, and george lopez on nick at nite. I was never really into Fresh Prince of Bel-Air until my brother started watching it and he would never let me change the channel and so I started watching and WOOOOOW. WILL SMITH IS FREAKIN HILARIOUS. And I know it is not just because of the script, he makes the show FREAKING AMAZING. Props to that man. He is clearly talented. If I can still laugh at jokes made back in the '90s, it is still hilarious. And this move made me almost piss my pass.

------------random rants about tv shows
So I finally watched the last episode of Avatar: The Last Firebender. Yes I am a nerd, but I really like that show though I was not a consistent follower. For an ending, it was so-so. Pretty typical ending but the journey through that episode was exciting. I was getting really into. I thought it was pretty nice how Ang did not kill the Firelord but just took away his powers...whoo what a surprise! I feel kind of an idiot to not think about that option. I felt really bad for Azula when she was going crazy and lost. It was pretty sad. Anyway, I have a feeling it is not the "end" because what the heck happened to Zuko's mom? And what kind of monk is Ang if he gets to kiss a girl? All sorts of confusing!!!

And I AM OUTRAGED THAT MICHAEL SIMON IS REPLACING ROBERT IRVINE FOR DINNER IMPOSSIBLE !!!!! I love Dinner Impossible but it is only good with a British accent and huge muscles! Who the heck is Michael Simon. Some nobody who won Iron Chef. I love Dinner Impossible...I cannot watch it with some guy with no accent. I am not sure if the new guy will make food enjoyable for me again.

I finally finished one portion of my summer work. I finished reading The Stranger, and I will talk about in another post. It made me think about my opinion about the death penalty. So thanks for reading another blab post thrown together.


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