Tuesday, January 1, 2008

objectives and the new year


This is the first blog by my best friend and I (ck&pachia) together. We hope to share our knowledge and love all around the world. I love how cheesy that sounds. Our objective for this blog is just like the title said to share "the obsessions of two teenage asian best friends". We will share our love for fashion, korean dramas, korean boys, asian music&dramas, humanity, etc, etc. Hopefully we will be able to either leave posts that can "move one's soul" or just give you the right tips to help your life. I would love to help someone's life in any way. :] But to describe ourselves, we are just your average normal sixteen year olds in high school just hoping to get into the right college, do the right thing and party hard. And to get this blog started, new year's resolutions:

  1. Stop taking naps (it ruins your sleeping pattern!)
  2. Figure out what colleges you might want to apply to
  3. Drink milk
  4. Stop slouching (could cause later back problems and stunt your growth even more)
  5. Stop having freak-outs about school.(optional)

---------------------------------------------------------- pachia's turn.
okay, well ck pretty much summed everything up. in beautiful words as well. so what more is there for me to saayyy or do, but sit here and think of good new years resolutions to jot down? (by the way, i know why ck put "drink milk" and "stop slouching" on her list. hehehe. grown ups... tsk, tsk. i guess i should do that too though.)

  1. Concentrate on school.
  2. Get a job, so you have money to spend!
  3. Stop wasting your time thinking about useless things...
  4. Figure out all this college stuff.
  5. Become a pro at French and sign up for Korean classes.
  6. Be nicer to your siblings, please.
  7. Eat healthier.
  8. Pick up a fun hobby.
  9. Be optimstic. Negativity gets nowhere.
  10. Get more in touch with yourself.
  11. Happiness (of course).

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