Tuesday, January 15, 2008

dont sweat those little things.

I was reading about this new book called "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... and it's all small stuff". It is one of those self-help books (which are totally boring so I never read them but I guess they are cheaper than seeing a shrink right?). There were some certain sections that I did relate to and my week.

See the Innocence
"For many people, one of the most frustrating aspects of life is not being able to understand other people's behavior. We see them as "guilty" instead of "innocent". It's tempting to focus on people's seemingly irrational behavior - their comments, actions, mean-spirited acts, selfish behavior - and get extremely frustrated. If we focus on behaviour too much, it can seem like other people are making us miserable."

I think that is really true. I do sometimes label people "guilty" when their behavior is not "normal". I do that to my b
rother all the time. I think partially because my parents do that. Instead of listening or understanding, they just label GUILTY or bad behavior or disrespectful behavior on my brother. Then when I bag on my brother, it just makes me mad because of his behavior. Like I will yell at him to do the dishes before he goes jogging but he says he will do it after he goes jogging but I just continuously yell at him until I get frustrated and then let him go and then I feel superbad when he just comes home after jogging and actually does the dishes.

"The next time (and hopefully from now on), when someone acts in a strange way, look for the innocent in their behaviour. If you're compassionate, it won't be hard to see. When you see the innocence, the same things that have always frustrated you no longer do. And, when you're not frustrated by the actions of others, it's a lot easier to stay focused on the beauty of life."

That is sound advice. Stop worrying and getting mad about other people and just let it go. Just listen and see the innocence in their behavior and it will be easier to accept them the way they are. Instead of yelling at my brother, I should just let him jog and then I can trust he will do the dishes.

Choose Being Kind over Being Right
"You have chances to "correct" people, privately as well as in front of others. What all these opportunities amount to are chance to make someone else feel bad, and yourself feel bad in the process. Without getting too psychoanalytical about it, the reason we are tempted to put others down, correct them, or show them how we're right and they're wrong is that our ego mistakenly believes that if we point out how someone else is wrong, we must be right, and therefore we will feel better. In actuality, however, if you pay attention to the way you feel after you put someone down, you'll notice that you feel worse than before the put-down. Your heart, the compassionate part of you, knows that it's impossible to feel better at the expense of someone else."

I am absolutely guilty in doing this. I did it just recently and it hit me hard in the conscious. So I hoped this one friend would do bad (well not really) because I was feeling competitive (we were jokingly bagging on each other) but then this friend calls me later to tell me I did great on my presentation. I felt super bad. Though it may not seem much to some people, I think it is a lesson to learn. I would rather be kind than right sometimes. There is no point in pointing out a person's every flaw and mistake. I just don't like it when people feel the need to criticize excruciatingly on others. I am guilty of doing this but I am trying to follow the "if you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all." I don't feel right in my heart when I end up gossiping or talking about someone behind their back. I don't do it as often but I know that I have done it more than I should. Humans are made to make mistakes and I know that and I know that I can be hypocritical of my own sayings but I can accept that.

So to talk about more fun stuff:

So apparently these two new designs are a South East Asia EXCLUSIVE by Nike during their tour in Asia. The female shoe is the pink with purple check and the ID on the show says "true love" and the male shoe is the purple wiht blue check and the ID says "be true". They are super cute and if anyone is going to South East Asia please COP ME A PAIR! I think they are only giving them exclusively though. They are super sweet though. I really love the IDs on both.

Finals weeks as been crazy for me. I think the stress is starting to seep in. I failed a math test so my grade dropped three percent so I have to get an A- just to get a B+. T_______T (weep, weep). I am already stuck with B in AP US (just fingers crossed for AP test). Art can easily changed to an A. Chemistry is an A right now but I'm really worried that I will fall below A- if I get a B+ on the final. WHY WHY WHY does everything always fall at the end. I tried so hard and now it is like SPLAT in my face. Sigh. My parents both think I am stupid now because all I get is B's. My mom even told my sister once that she thought i was going "lower and lower". It really disappoints me that my parents are so unfair like that. My mom was some fob in high school and didn't finish college. My father didn't even attend high school (too poor back in Korea). They just don't understand. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am too tough to cry about it anymore. Why do parents make school more stressing than it is? And you know what I hate.. people who don't stress about school and act like it is nothing and don't even care about college. Or smart people who don't use their potential or work hard. Sigh life is unfair. The average people have to work harder than those above always.

I am feeling depressed now. To cheer me up here are some inspirations for junior prom.

the day you see me wear that,
i will probably like 80 years old.
that is called "princess style" from japan.
crazy japanese.


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