Sunday, January 11, 2009

im nothing but a sand castle


Senior year is love/hate year. A lot more hate though. Haha. Today I went to the big central library downtown and I love big libraries. Though I hate how you can never really go to the library expecting to stumble upon some good books. But I did find some good books to read. I am really addicted to non-fiction books about consumerism and the economy ever since I read Freakanomics. I haven't gone to the public library in two years since I got my first library card but I went with my mom and my sisters and we have found a new love in public libraries. The library near our home has a new building so we visited that one. I read probably less than ten books over break. I just read, watched tv, ate and slept. It felt good.

The books currently reading/about to read.

I checked out this photo essay book. It is a timeline of history of women who changed America.
I grew up reading women history thanks to those Dear America diaries and I used to love reading historical fictions when I was young. I really appreciate women in history. Looking at these photos and facts make me strive to be in a book like that. I want to be in the history books. These women are really heroes.

I am loving Solange and her music. It is definitely refreshing, happy, and colorful. She edited/did the music video herself for Sand Castle. I am not sure if she did the I decided one, but still they are great. She is really an artist. Both Knowles sisters are talented. I love Beyonce's new album too.

I went to the mall with my friends to buy a birthday present to sent to our friend in Korea. They don't have Aeropostale there and she loves Aeropostale so we bought her some stuff there. Personally, I do not really like Aeropostale but we got some nice stuff for her. I really do not like mall shopping but I love walking around the mall. It makes me reminiscene about my childhood. Like going to buy cinnabons at Cinnabon or visiting the Sanrio store or the Disney store. The mall has some good memories. But seriously, I can no longer buy clothes from there. But it was fun to shop around with friends. And I think UO is too overpriced. But cute. But overpriced.

We love trying on hats.
Fedoras do not look bad on me.
I need to invest in hats.

Interesting but hats from 1920s are becoming popular.
Those bowl cut, feather hats. I like them.
but not as flattering as fedoras.

Group picture.
May be the first and last together picture at mall.

And update on my little sister Sophie. She is growing faster and faster. She crawls everywhere now. Already five months. It is amazing. She will be walking in no time.

19 weeks before graduation. Augh.


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