Sunday, January 11, 2009

Delurking Day and Blogiversaries ...

Delurk people!

Today, well Monday January 12, 2009, is National Delurking Day! You know what that means, right? Yup, delurk yourself in the comment section here and say hello! We’re all nice people here, even RockDog over there is a nice guy. Nobody is going to hurt you or be mean. We love everybody.

So take a minute to say hello. Then go around to all the rest of the blogs you read and say hello to them too. And then come back here and go to each of the blogs over in my sidebar and say hello to them. And then come back later and click through the comments to other blogs that might not be over there on my sidebar yet and say hello to them.

And then lets all have a glass of wine, or shot of tequila or beer or a glass of chocolate milk and toast each other.

There, don’t we all feel warm and fuzzy now?

Seriously, though. It’s National Delurking Day. So do it. You know you wanna.

I myself actually have a few blogs that I haven’t commented on yet. I shall go and do so today.

BTW, today was determined to be National Delurking Day by Rude Cactus. Hey, somebody had to take charge of these things!


♫ Happy Anniversary bay-bee … got you on my .. mi-ind!

Today is Cynical_Bastard’s THIRD blogiversary or blogbirthday or whatever you call it.

I’m twee *holds up three fingers* .. twee yees old.

I think it’s pretty cool that my blogiversary would fall on National Delurking Day. That gives you even more incentive to delurk and tell me how much you love me. Or send me naked or suggestive pics. ;-)

Or tell me what an asshole I am. Either way, do it!

So, lets do a quick review of some of the things that happened in the bloggerhood last week, shall we?

Dianne posted about the latest conflict in Gaza.
Dana posted about some ninny who wants more expansion of the Nanny State.
Emmeline had a really great post about dating or marrying or having a serious relationship with someone who has VERY different religious views than you. Say like a devout Christian dating an Athiest.
Vinny Bond had a good discussion about a dude kicked off a flight for his t-shirt and the lawsuit that followed.

And what did I contribute to the bloggerhood last week?

A picture of a grown man wearing a diaper and holding a teddy bear.

Ahem. Yes well. We can’t all be substantive and serious now, can we?

There really never has been any real purpose of this blog. I guess when I started the posts were a bit more serious. Some political stuff, some (anti)social commentary or whatever. But, as time went on it started to be more about connecting with and interacting with other bloggers. I started finding that I really preferred the back and forth with others and actually getting to know people better than the actual blogging. Especially people with much different views, backgrounds and cultures than me. And that led to my Myspace, Facebook and Twitter pages.

I know there is always a lot of talk in blogosphere about “real friends vs internet or blog friends” and I don’t really know the answer to that one either. I do consider many of you to be a “real” friend, even if we’ve never actually met. But, it’s still a pretty complicated subject. I guess basically we all get to know each other only as well as each of us lets people get to know us.

Which is why it is so sad when people stop blogging. ESPECIALLY the people who just disappear. They just up and stop. No explanation and no response to emails. Assuming that there is an email address that we can try to contact them with. Just this last few months there have been a number of people who decided to quit blogging. I totally understand that you have to have priorities and sometimes it stops being fun and life gets in the way. I’m cool with that. But, I still miss them and it still bugs me when they just disappear or whatever. Kinda goes back to that “real vs blog friends” argument and shows that everybody has a different view of who is real and who is an internet or blog friend.

Also, over the last couple of months things have slowed down here quite a bit. I just seemed to have lost my blogging mojo. I’ve had a case of blog constipation that I can’t seem to get over. I’m always amazed at people like Matt-Man who can not only blog just about everyday, but actually post a GOOD blog everyday. With the slowdown has also come a pretty big decrease in readers. But, that’s okay too. I guess.

Maybe something will happen and I’ll snap out of my blogging malaise. Or I won’t. But, one thing I do want to do is find more blogs and blog friends outside of North America. I’ve been trying to do this off and on since day one, but it’s actually pretty hard. There are some cultural barriers that make it harder than I thought it would be. And there’s the whole language thing. And that’s the only real goal I have for this blog this year other than to still be here next year. And for each of you to still be here next year too!

Anyway, much like the blog itself I don’t really have any idea where this post is going. Other than to say thank you to everybody in the bloggerhood who comes by here and puts up with my smart ass comments and lameness and all that fun stuff.

So, um .. that’s that I guess. It’s Delurking Day and it’s my blogiversary. That’s about it. Be sure to and delurk at lots of blogs!!

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