Saturday, February 2, 2008

love, love, love. it's february!

i have this habit of writing random little "letters" to myself throughout the week when there is nothing to do. and recently i stumbled upon some writing that actually caught my eye.

"I'm sad but I'm happy... and I'm happy but I'm sad. But the weird thing is, I think this is the most content I've been with myself in my whole entire life. I've simply come to accept reality and embrace everything thrown at me whether it is good or bad. I'm happy. Happy to know that my life is beautiful, and sad to know that it is only temporary."

that was actually all i wrote, minus the first sentence which wasn't really necessary to quote. but really i lied. i make it sound as if i wrote this a long time ago when really i only wrote it a week ago. it was in the morning while i waiting for school to start (to be exact). i found it yesterday with a bunch of my other notes for photography class. but still, it surprised me. i had forgotten all about it. i forget about a lot of stuff these days, i have such a bad memory. but yeah. i don't want to sound weird or anything, but i kinda just amazed myself for a moment when i read what i had written.

anyways, my aunt had a baby boy two days ago. his name is derren vang and he's 21 inches and 8 pounds! what a fattie :) he's so adorable though. and he has a whole head full of hair. we went to visit him in the hospital and he looks and sounds just like his older sisters. yay, i can't wait to see him again this weekend.
my brother's birthday was last sunday. and today he got his xbox360! how freaking lucky is that? i only ask for a simple crummy phone so i can atleast still have something to use-- anything to use, but oh well. i'm starting my volunteering hours tomorrow, tutoring kids, to prepare for my summer tutor job. so that will be something to look forward to.

so far, the great gatsby is very intruiging. but i kinda think mr. cosgrove's "to me it is the most gorgeous and beautifully written book ever" speech might've already won me over before i even began reading the book. so, i'm not sure. but i think it's beautifully written as well. i've read a lot farther than most people have, but i've refrained myself from actually finishing it. our junior projects have been assigned, and i signed up to do Anne Lamott, which is someone Mr. Cosgrove actually knows, but i'm not sure if i'm actually going to keep her. basically we have to do an annotated bibliography on a writer/author, and i just kinda chose someone for the sake of choosing someone. i'll figure it out soon enough. yay for a new month. (is it weird that i keep mentioning my literature teacher? oh my...)

OH MY GOODNESS! JUNIOR PROM IS FOURTEEN DAYS AWAY :D i will get my dress altered this weekend. and buy some cute gloves as well! even if i'm not going to san francisco with kristina or courtney, errythang'll be just as good.

eleven days until tommy's birthday (what will i ever get him!?!) and twelve more days until valentines day (what will i ever get him?!?).

♥ pachia!

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