Tuesday, November 10, 2009

John Sarbanes Hates the Middle Class in District 3

That sure is the impression that I got after learning that he voted for healthcare reform bill. He's pretending that this bill is good for all Americans. He's pretending that if you want to keep your private insurance company, you can. He's pretending that this bill will not cost tax-payers one dime. He's wrong. And I hope voters punish him for this catastrophic vote he has made.

What Congress fails to tell you is that they will put in place the mechanisms that will eventually force everyone into their socialized healthcare system. As I understand it, if your employer makes any changes to their current health insurance offering, they will be forced to add the government option.

Additionally, what makes health insurance work is creating a large pool of workers and spreading out the risk over the entire pool. Some people pay money into their healthcare plan and will not use any of it. Others contribute money and use a lot of it, either because of catastrophic illnesses or childbirths, or injuries, or other various reasons. However, because of the large pool, the insurance company is able to pay the claims of everyone and make a profit. It's called spreading the risk.

However, once the government starts sucking the participants out of the private plans, the private plans will not be able to compete. Once they no longer return a profit, they will go out of business. Once they go out of business, you will be pushed into the socialized healthcare plan. See how it works? Thank you, John Sarbanes.

Yes, John Sarbanes and his hard-left liberal warriors are technically correct when they say we can keep our private health insurance plans. That is - in the short-term. However, what they are not telling you is that in the long-term, you WILL NOT have private health insurance because they are creating the architecture to rid our society of private health insurance.

Additionally, current estimates are that the socialized healthcare plan that the House just passed will cost $1.7 trillion dollars over 10 years, slightly more than Pelosi's grossly understated $800 billion. And if it costs $1.7 trillion, who is going to pay for it? Pelosi says that no taxes will have to be raised to pay for it. Then who is going to pay for it?

One thing that we ought to remember is that Congress lies. Our elected officials are very disingenuous. They have to be. If they told you the truth up front, you would not reelect them. So when Congressman John Sarbanes tells who how great this free healthcare plan is, scratch your head, get on the phone and call him and ask, "How are you going to pay for it?" Because I guarantee he has no freaking clue.

I know who's going to pay for it - the middle class voters of District 3. Don't say I didn't warn you.

John Sarbanes - (202) 225-4016

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