Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Here's the Scoop!

OK, so I thought I should wait to announce our big news until Monday, but Mr. WhiMSy love just gave me the green light to shout it from the roof tops.
We're moving! Far away! To a tiny town! Out in the middle of pretty much nowhere!
So, here's the scoop...
Scott (a.k.a. "Mr. WhiMSy love") has just accepted the position as pastor of New Life Assembly of God in Bridgeport, Nebraska. Population? Approximately 1700 lovely citizens. The Tri-Cities, Washington, where we live now, has a population of nearly 236,000.

Scott & I flew to Denver last Friday & took a 3 hour drive to Bridgeport where we were greeted by a very warm & friendly bunch of people. It was a whirlwind of a weekend, pretty jam-packed & tiring: meeting people, seeing the sights, touring the school, potlucks, donuts & chatting, cookies & visits, church, & finally....the vote. They liked us! They really liked us! Well, most of 'em did anyway. And, really, they were only voting on Scott. I was just the bonus prize. This is something that Scott has worked hard for. In a way, it was a long time in the making. It's a passion of his & I'm proud that his dream is being fulfilled.
So, are you weirded out that I'll be a pastor's wife? Dorky ole me? Yeah, me too.

It almost feels like we're moving to a different country. That is not meant in a disrespectful way. I'm not used to all the agricultural stuff & the smallness of the town. I mean, we'll be in the heart of it. The size of the town doesn't overwhelm me, but I know it'll take some getting used to. The people are hard working, very tight-knit. We're about to step into a different way of life. But I want to soak it all up, take it all in. I want to know everything: from the people & what they do & how they live, to the small-town way of life, to the history that surrounds us on every side.

We met so many characters... Beulah the beekeeper. Leo, who raises buffalo. Kevin the principal, who, along with his wife, own the local newspaper. Darrell & Lynette, who farm & ranch & are extremely hospitable & beautiful people, with a long history of farming in their blood & 16 cats that I know Pazely will go "ga-ga" over. Animated Scott & Angie, who have 2 kidlets, just like us. Supermom & Superdad, Brandy & Brent, who are parents of 8 kids, all boys, including 2 sets of twins. Kooky & adorable Annie. Softspoken Rose & handsome Ray, who will be one of many adopted gandma's & grandpa's to my girls. These are just a few of the delightful people we met who will now be a part of our family story.

I have not gotten emotional, yet, at the thought of being away from my family--who all reside in very close proximity to me. Or being separated from my favorite friend in the whole wide world, Tia. I'm pretty much just shoving those emotions deep, deep inside & they'll probably just explode in a most messy way at some random & inopportune time. That's how I roll.

We are driving to our new home in Nebraska on December 1st-ish. (I know! Less than 3 weeks to pack & get ready & do all the stuff you need to do to move & say goodbye?! I'm trying not to freak out.) My mom & dad are driving with us to help out. Becauase, did you know, that I get really-really-really-really sleepy when I drive? Without my parents help driving, it may take us months to get there. We may as well hitch a wagon like they did in the "olden" days.

We're excited for this adventure though! And it has been a peaceful journey from the beginning. That's how we know it's meant-to-be.

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