Thursday, June 25, 2009

i hate you

I got back from UCSD orientation on Tuesday morning. Orientation made me REALLY REALLY excited for college. I am almost ready to pack up my things and go. The hard part would be the actually packing though. I have no idea what to bring! I realized I still have the abilities to make friends but I am horrible at small talk. But that doesn't stop me from talking to people. I wasn't very nervous (maybe because I had one friend with me). I just can't wait for the new opportunities, the possibilities, etc. Though I realized I don't think I will be that happy with the food. I think I'd rather cook for myself.

So when I first walked onto the ERC green for orientation, it is 7am and this Asian guy is djing and he was bumping crazy techno. It created an awkward ambience. Everyone is tired and nervouse. As I was waiting in line for my orientation stuff, I suddenly heard WONDER GIRLS - NOBODY. Crazy right. So the dj was Korean and he was wearing these tight black shorts. And I see him dancing like it was a gay bar. Booty everywhere, bumping left and right. It was an interesting sight. I was super excited because he turned out to be my orientation leader. He was funny but also really informative about UCSD. He was also really FABULLLOOOUS. He is supposed to be an RA. Hope he is my RA.

Although I got home at like 4 in the morning, I woke up at like 10 am to go eat dimsum with my friends. The dimsum was yummy and I was super full. Afterwards we just were being silly and went to Vinh Phat to grab snacks and hang at Corn's house. I love chill days like that. We ended up watching random korean drama makeout scenes from Coffee Prince and Goong. And then Tiffany showed us wonderful 2pm videos.

Me and my friends have been on a 2pm obsession mode ever since the Again and Again MV which I showed to them. After that and Idol Army 2pm, we were gone! I love these boys!!!! They are the only men who I tolerate with eyeliner and who still look like MEN!!! Especially in the third video.

I saw the coolest thing online! A HELLO KITTY HOUSE! Now I've heard of a hello kitty themed wedding (even I think that is crazy) but a hello kitty house sounds somewhat appealing. I like the inside decor better than the outside though.

The best part of the decor is that the pinks are not too tacky and everything is tasteful.

Here is a song to enjoy. Madonna is quite amazing.
I am sad I could not find the original cd version.
Then you could hear Pharrell in the bridge saying "left" and "right" on separate speakers.
It is pretty cool. Adam showed me the song on the way back from SD.

Give It 2 Me - Madonna


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