Friday, March 20, 2009

Tax This ....

Okay, so I know I'm "off the grid" but I just couldn't stand it. I had to come here real quick like and chime in on this A.I.G shit.

As you probably know Congress passed a special tax bill yesterday aimed at A.I.G. and those bonuses. This is probably the worst thing I've ever seen any congress do. I find it appalling on so many levels.

The first A.I.G. bailout happened in Sept of 2008. The second in Oct. of '08. Neither of those times did ANYONE, democrat or republican, in the Bush admin or in congress, stand up and say "hey, we gotta do something about those big bonuses these companies give." Yes, with the third round some people did want to place limits on compensation and yes, those limits were taken out. But, again, both the Obama and admin, most dems and most republicans didn't want those limits.

Now everyone is pretending to be outraged at A.I.G. and the bonuses. So, while completely ignoring their own responsibilities and complicity in this whole fiasco, congress passes one of the most outrageous tax bills EVER. And it was probably the most bipartisan vote you'll see come out this congress all year!

This tax, a retroactive tax aimed specifically at a small group of people is down right un-American. It's also completely unfair. It doesn't just hit the A.I.G. people, but EVERYONE who works for ANY company that took TARP funds. So basically they're clobbering all the good and honest people who work for a lot of these firms just because they're in a faux populist snit over a handful of people and CEOs.

I say write your senators and tell them to vote no on this bill. Write the republican leadership and tell them to put as much effort into stopping this bill as they are in putting anonymous holds on economic and science advisors that have been nominated and can't get an up or down vote. And write Obama and tell him to try to stop this bill or veto it.

Okay, that's all I've got. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Feel free to disagree with me all you want. And if you want to try to lay all the blame for all of this one political party, go ahead. But, please be able to back that claim up. I say that because I think they are ALL incompetent fucks. And they are all to blame. That's why they are all getting together to pass this outrageous tax bill.

Anyway, just to make us all feel better after that, here is a picture of Gossip Girl's Blake Lively and Leighton Meester ....

WHOA! I totally feel better now, don't you?

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