Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Libertas to launch in Rome today? Keep Rome free of Libertas fascists. Shun Ganley and the far right

Libertas have said they would launch in Rome today. As you will have seen this blogger asked people to write to Pope Benedict asking him not to meet with Ganley prior to the European elections.
Though Libertas were due to launch a manifesto today, this has been put back until May according to Ganley. However he told Polish far right politicians in February that the campaign would be based on a "few simple slogans". This runs entirely contry to the nmessage Libertas are hoping to thrust at waht they hope will be a gullible electorate and first time voters that they are attempting to target through internet social networks.
Parents beware these fascist are after your children minds.

Libertas Nein Danke calls on all Roman citizens who to express their detestation of fascism and shun Declan Ganley and his nascent Fourth Reich.

I would like to thank all the people who contacted me to say they had written to the vatican as I asked in an earlier post.

Call for Pope not to meet Ganley
Libertas is to its reveal candidates in Rome on 25 March, the 52nd Anniversary of the signing Treaty of Rome which established the EEC.

Catholics who oppose Ganley's right wing agenda should write to the Pope Benedict XVI and ask him not to meet Ganley as it would appear to be a political gesture. Ganley has already met Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz in Poland and last week at a meeting of the John Paul II Society he stated that he was opposed to abortion and same sex marriage. The US Defence contractor (Rivada) went on "“Christ calls us to be ambassadors for his message"

The pope should not support this US defence contractor in his bid to divide Europe. He may be a practising Catholic but he is one among millions of European Catholics. Organisations like Pax Christi actively campaign for unification and peace what do Libertas stand for? They are supporter by a far right fringe throughout Europe. European Catholics do not want wars.

Ganley is supported by people who wish to wedge a divide between Europe and its neighbours as well as the European neighbours. Libertas seek to woe Catholic voters with their stance on abortion and same sex marriage but their divisive message is not a Catholic message.
See how Libertas wish to use Catholics for their own gains
According to Libertas "‘‘The speech that Declan gave last week,” said an aide about his remarks to the Catholic groups, ‘‘that might serve him well in the west of Ireland and Poland. But we can’t have candidates saying that sort of thing in the Czech Republic or Sweden."

Say Yes to Peace Say No to Libertas.

Write to:
Pope Benedict XVI
Vatican City, Rome Italy
or Phone
Vatican Switchboard: +39.06.6982

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