Thursday, November 6, 2008

Friday Randomness ...

First a PSA:

Everyone go over to Mrs. D’s blog and congratulate her and Mr. D! Mrs. D is going to have baby #2! Congrats!

So yeah, I kinda disappeared for a few days there. Mostly because I just had nothing to say. Kinda like now.

I was thinking of saying something about the election, but lots of people already have done so much more eloquently than I could. I mean, I guess I could give some fancy analysis about what it all means and how the results mean a lot less than some people on the left want to think they mean, and more than what some people on the right want them to mean, but what’s the point?

I will say though that early voting is the tits! Every single state should allow early voting. It makes things sooooo much better and so much more convenient for the voters. And making it easier to vote and giving people more chances to participate in the electoral process is a good thing. And if I was wondering whether or not I liked the early voting idea, when I saw Fred Barnes on Fox News yelling “This early voting has got to stop!” I knew early voting was good. Anything Fred is that opposed to is definitely good for America.

Okay, in fairness Fred’s biggest problem with early voting is that he was forced to vote along with a bunch of “poor” and “old” people that he clearly doesn’t like to be subjected to.


I wonder why it is that when I get a direct message from Twitter I get it on my email, but it doesn’t show up on my Twitter page? Strange.


Back to the election, Arkansas voters freaking spazzed out. The voters (not me, I voted NO) voted to ban not only gay adoption, but to ban ANY unmarried couple and single people from being foster parents. That’s just fucking stupid.

We also voted (again not me, I voted NO) to allow the General Assembly to meet in regular session EVERY YEAR instead of every other year as is the law now. WHYYYYYYYY? They do enough damage every two years as it is. Oh and how do they propose to pay for the expenses that go along with the General Assembly being in session every year?? Dumbasses.

Not to mention the stupid fucking water bonds issue.

I did vote YES on the Lottery, which also passed. Normally I vote NO on that, but this time it was a stand alone lottery bill and didn’t include local option for casino gambling. I’m not opposed to casino gambling, I’ve done my fair share of it in my day, I’m just opposed to casino gambling here in Arkansas.


Woo hoo! NFL on Thursday Night! What a country!


Since I didn’t do a fantasy football post this week I need to post a cheerleader pic today I guess. So, in honor of Moe Wanchuck over at the Palm Isle here are some cute Michigan State Cheerleaders …


How ‘bout some more words added to my F-list…

Transition (not Anndi’s blog Transition, of course)
Mandate (not though, I mean, if that’s your thing that I’m cool with that)
Liberal agenda
Conservative agenda
Palinites, Palin People, Palinwhatevers
Republican Civil War
Permanent Democratic Majority
Campaign Post-Mortems
Throw *insert name here* under the bus.

The F-list is the brainchild of Death Chic...

Okay, that’s all I’ve got.

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