Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Deal Breakers ...

First check out this CD that I got in the mail from Vinny over at The Big Leather Couch! …

It’s Sylvia Bennett. Great Jazz singer! Good stuff. Thanks Vinny!


There seems to be a bit of confusion over my last blog post. The one about seeing people I know in personal ads online, or running into random people who I have seen on personals sites. I was in NO WAY saying that putting a personal ad online was an act of desperation! I was simply referring to ONE person whose ad smacked of desperation who I happened to then see in town. Not ads, or the people who post them, in general.

As I said, I have posted ads in the past too. And I probably will again in the future. In fact, I’m considering having YOU GUYS all write a personal ad for me and then I will pick like the five finalists and then we can all vote on which one will be posted. How fun would that be? Then of course I would get to blog about all the responses, and then blog about any meetings, if any, that take place!

Okay, so that’s not really all that original of an idea. Bonnie Hunt is doing something similar to that on her show right now with one of her writers. Do you watch The Bonnie Hunt Show? I like Bonnie…

Anyway, it could still be fun. I might do that sometime after the first of the year.


Also in keeping with the personals theme of the last few days, Adam over at posted his list of “Deal Breakers” the other day (which would be the day before he posted a picture of his ass). Things that eliminate anyone from consideration if his wife were to ever leave his ass and he would have to try and date again.

So, since Adams IS the King of the Internet™, I decided I would post my deal breakers too…

1. Must be smart. Not like genius level smart, but intelligent. I’m not exactly Albert Einstein myself, but stooopid people annoy me. But, what annoys me even more than that are people who I know are smart, but act stupid. That’s pathetic. Being able to carry on a decent conversation and having decent grammar skills is much appreciated.

2. Must be independent. No needy types. Yeah, we all want to be needed to some degree, but not constant smothering all the time. And being able to make decisions on her own is also good.

3. Must have a sense of humor. I actually know a number of people who just don’t have a sense of humor. Or at least don’t pick up on sarcasm or satire very well. I like funny people. I like people who love to laugh, not just at funny shows or movies, but at the world and even at the themselves.

4. Can’t be all stuck up and thinking they’re all that. Speaking of being able to laugh at themselves, people tend to take themselves a little too seriously. It’s one thing to have self-confidence and be strong, it’s another to think you shit don’t stink, or that your better than everyone else. Stuck up women can take a hike.

5. Must enjoy travel and have varied interests. Believe it or not, I know lots and lots and lots of people who have lived their whole lives right here in Redneckville, Arkansas and not only think this is the garden spot of the world, but refuse to travel more than a couple of hours from here. I know people who just don’t understand why anyone would want to explore other areas of this country, and think wanting to travel outside of the US is a really crazy idea. Those people suck.

6. Can’t be narrow minded. Again, this should be obvious, but living where I do one runs into bigot, racists, homophobes and more all the time. These are the worst people on Earth. Intolerant assholes need not apply.

7. Must have opinions of your own. This goes along with being smart and independent, but it gets it’s own line. Before anyone asks, or thinks to themselves, no, intolerance is NOT having opinions of your own. Being a racist or homophobe or whatever is just being ignorant, not having opinions. But, to expand on this. I do NOT have a political beliefs litmus test. People are not required to believe exactly as I do, they are just required to respect my opinions the same way I respect theirs. Besides, it would be incredibly boring if we agreed on everything all the time.

Okay, so there you have it. I think most other things I could come up with are actually covered by the above categories. And a lot of things are too obvious to include. You know, things like being nice, caring, thoughtful and having nice legs. What? Anyway, stuff like that is a given.

So how bout you? What are your deal breakers?

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