Wednesday, March 24, 2010

p.s. Hey. (1) Today's guest-post arrived in my mailbox sans any background information apart from the title and a short sentence explaining that a recent discussion here about graphic novels had inspired TheBakerOfGoodies, a silent reader of the blog, to weigh in with some suggestions. I thank him or her very much for the input and post, and I hope you will pore over it and share your thoughts on his choices or on graphic novels in general. Perhaps he or she will delurk long enough to respond in the comments, but I'm not sure. (2) Speaking of guest posts, if anyone out there has ideas for a guest post and a little time to put one together, now and/or soon would be really great time on my end. Due the lack of down/work time occasioned by the LA trip, I've gotten behind on the task of constructing the blog's future. Since I'm about to face the unpleasant combination of a bout of jet lag and a scramble to think up and realize future posts, I could really use the help of some guest-hosted Days if possible. Thank you very much! (3) Reminder that the Self-Portrait Day will be appearing here in two halves on this coming Friday and Saturday. (4) I think I might be getting sick, which sucks tremendously. I'll know for sure today, but the way I felt last night and how I feel this morning was/is kind of ominous. Please excuse any low wattage thoughts today. ** Put The Lotion In The Basket, I owe you again, dang. Well, there are a couple of things and fellas and other things back in 1989 that and/or whom I think you might quite like, and even though I didn't have a heck of a lot of writer clout at that time since I was just the overgrown weirdo who'd written 'Closer', I could probably still hook you up. ** Misanthrope, Oh shit, now I might be sinking under the weather too. If so, mine had better not swoop like yours. Swooping and 11 1/2 hour plane flights are a bad combination. 10th photo down ...? Oh, ha ha, thanks. ** Thomas Moronic, Hey, Thomas! Wonderful to see you. You're coming to Paris before too, too long, no? John Waters is just about the greatest guy in the entire world. What's going on with you of late, if you don't mind? ** Paul Curran, Hey. ** Mark, Hey, Mark! Oh, wow, the video of the reading is real and up. Gosh, I should imbed that here, I think. My mind is kind of hazy, but I think that's not a bad idea. I'll do that. Everyone, see the imbedded video at the bottom of the p.s.? That's a video record of the recent reading at City Lights Bookstore in by Mark Gluth, James Greer, and myself made by the very fine photographer and videographer and d.l. Mark. It's almost an hour long, so don't feel obliged to watch it post-haste or anything, but there it is, fyi. It's also here if you want to watch it in the privacy of vimeo. Thanks so much, Mark! I'll try to get my courage up to watch it or at least Jim's and Mark's portions later on. ** Chris Goode, Larry-bob is a saint and total hero. You're ill-ish? Me too. Brighton gig? Well, the Brighton d.l.s had better be there and tell me what's what. Brighton readers and d.l.s, the very great Chris Goode is performing/reading in your fair city tonight. Here's the scoop: 'Chlorine poetry reading: CG, Justin Katko, Marianne Morris. The Hope, Queen's Road, Brighton, BN1 3WA. Wednesday 24th March. 8pm. £5 (£3 concs).' That means it'll happen hours if not minutes from right now. Be there, and then tell us what happened. Rock it, Mr. G. ** David Ehrenstein, Yeah, precisely about Malkovich in 'Liasons'. I think my favorite Malkovich ever is his early turn in the filmed play version of Sam Shephard's 'True West'. And yeah, J. Bridges is splendid in 'The Fabulous Baker Boys'. I haven't looked at The Atlantic in years, so I don't know. ** Jose, Ha ha, okay. ** Casey McKinney, Dad! Ha ha, yeah, man, I kind of sort of figured that being a new dad might be rather preoccupying. Can you type with him in your lap? Glad you like the Jim Greer novel, obviously, given my smitten blurb and all that. Dude, awesome to see you. Escape in here any old time. Love to you, Robin, and the kiddo. ** David, Hey. John wanted and planned to do a children's movie, but, if I'm remembering correctly, no one would green light it. Idiocy. Mark's Erin gets the credit for the Rove photo cameo, but yes. Oh, new blog from you, excellent! Everyone, d.l. David's blog is an unsung little jewel of a thing with a rare growth pattern, and it's just had a lovely spurt, and it and you deserve each other. Unite or reunite right here. 'Real writers', pshaw. Like any writing is more real than any other. Nostalgia claims another opinion. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Wow, that's a painting? Did I get that right? It's a beaut. I only wish the jpeg was a little larger so I could really scrutinize it. Everyone, check out Ben _Black_Acrylic Robinson's submission for the 2010 Generator members' show, acrylic on board 2010. It's here, and it's pretty great. Obviously, I'm really looking forward to seeing your William Beckford drawing, the article, and the new YnY in total. ** Stan_cz, Powerful man, ha ha, maybe. Email? No, I don't think I got an email from you. I'll look again, but I'm pretty sure I didn't. Did you send it to dcooperweb@ Hm, I'll scour the box when I get through here. ** JW Veldhoen, Oh, glad you like Roubaud. Yeah, pretty sweet stuff, no? What's 'The Nose'? I should already know that, I think. I'm a little hazed. ** Dungan, Hey, Sean! How swell to see your avatar. Yeah, I'll do my best to call you today. I've gotten bitten by a bug, I think, but I'll call you and talk at the very least. ** Creative Massacre, Oh, if it can be a dessert, I'll go ahead and let the faucet of my mouthwater run after all. Gee, that sounded gross. You know what I meant. Ugh about the series of little mishaps on your end yesterday. ** Michael_Karo, You did get some great pix, and I and the folks around here got the benefit. Yeah, we didn't get to talk nearly enough. Nature of those group situations, but we'll rectify that next time, and no doubt there'll be one of those. ** Bill, Sadly, my camera or my usage of it at least never does anyone it's aimed at any favors. Oh, 'Boons' is strangely seductive and lulling, isn't it? He's one curious talent. ** Sypha, Thanks, pal. ** Rigby, Yeah, come back to the US, but just do the West Coast. It's only vaguely the US out here. ** Inthemostpeculiarway, Howdy. I'll try to catch her tonight. Last night, my throat got too itchy. Well, I'm interested at the moment in how every fiction writer treats cannibalism, so, in that sense, I'm sure it deserves a bookstore page flip or two at least. Perfect weather, wow. I would say mid-70s, sparse clouds, low humidity, but then again a thick fog is perfect too. And so are thick black low-lying clouds, maybe thundering, just before a big storm. So I guess I can't decide. What do you think? Hm, Bendy did sound a little weird yesterday. The visible veins thing was a weirdest. Drugs? He's, like, almost always high, right? My day: After the blog, a shower, a bit of food whose nature I can not recall, and some emails/phone calls. My friend Dorna who's also a d.l. here came by, as did Jesse Hudson, and we walked down to Alcove, this local eaterie I've mentioned before. Let me see if I can find a photo of it. This is it. Dorna had the veggie burger at my suggestion since that place has one of the best in LA, and she enjoyed it, I think. Jesse had a bowl of french fries. I had some kind of chocolate chip and apple bread pudding-like muffin that kind of ruled. Anyway, we ate and visited, and she left to go back to work. Jesse and I went to see Tim Burton's 3D 'Alice' at the Americana, this tidy, faux-European mall in Glendale. This is a flattering little picture of it. Anyway, I totally enjoyed 'Alice'. I thought it was fun from top to bottom. I pretty much like all of Tim Burton's films to one degree or another except for 'Planet of the Apes', so maybe I'm easy. Jesse felt similarly to me, I think. I've been dreading the upcoming remake/ remodel of 'Tron', but the trailer they showed made me think maybe just maybe it might not be incredibly bad. There were a lot of trailers. The only one I can remember at all was for some excruciating looking Brendan Fraser comedy, and I think the only reason I remembered it was because my eyes and brained noted with a very mild shock how fat he's gotten. After the movie, I did something I can't even remember. I think that's when I started feeling a kind of uh-oh sensation of maybe being on the cusp of getting sick. I had dinner at this place Home, again down the street. Veggie burger with avocado & melted swiss cheese plus waffle fries and an iced tea. Then I started feeling ughier, and Joel and I watched 'Lost', and since I've missed the last four seasons, what happened was both confusing in a bad and good sense, and then I just flipped the TV channels looking for anything and found nothing until I crashed. There you go. Now it's Wednesday, and you go first. ** Justin, Um, the escort was naked because the only pix I could find of him were in his ads, and that one was the most interesting due to the cryptic sign he was holding, and you've got me on what it meant, but he wasn't naked at the reading. Those Hot Toys martian dolls sound cool. I'll google them. Hope you get de-exhausted pronto. ** Tosh, Oh, yeah, you were just in SF doing your farewell Tosh as Tosh event, right? Or so I think I read that on Facebook or somewhere. What does that mean? ** Alyssa Nolan, Hey, Alyssa. It's been nice out here, yeah. My top Shelley Duvall recommendation is Robert Altman's 'Three Women'. She's incredible in it -- won the Best Actress award at Cannes for that role -- and the movie's great in general. Thanks about Gisele's dolls. Well, I hope you'll get to see them in person. We're making progress on more USA shows, although you might have to go to NYC to see it. I can't recall there being any nibbles from Boston. You're on for that snowman. Either in Boston or Paris next winter. Let's shake on it. ** Alec Niedenthal, LA isn't that expensive if you play your cards right. Less expensive than NYC, I'm pretty sure. As for what you would do here other than have a great time, hm. Oh, yeah, 'Topology' is incredible. If you like it a lot, you'll probably really like the two novels I mentioned. Yeah, I think I'll quit for good, but I don't know when, and I hope it doesn't take a huge health scare to get me to finally quit. Like I said or inferred, I'm toast for about six months after I quit cigarettes. My powers of concentration get decimated. Writing would be a no go, and I'm virtually positive I'd either have to stop doing the blog or radically change what it is. 'George Lopez Show', that is a peculiar attention grabber. You have a good one too, man. ** Blendin, Dude. Yeah, juggling and now, knock on wood, not getting sick. I do know where you are, though. You are very vulnerable. You very likely have not seen the last of me. ** L@rstonovich, Thanks for taking such good care of my boys. I love the ticking sound re: the website and, duh, post. You're coming to LA! Just for kicks or what? ** Math, I love your JFK story. Or I did when I depersonalized it and got the annoyance it caused you out of it. I left in your annoyed facial expressions, but I removed all of your actual pain. Nice trick. Hope Philly is an unexpected dreamboat. Oh, and yeah on the games, and add the new Zelda/Wii game possibly by year's end big time for me. ** James, Yeah, give me a call on Monday morning. That sounds perfect. If I'm not a total wreck, or if I'm not fearing what a drag of a companion I'd be, let's meet, have a birthday coffee or something, if you're game. That'd be awesome. ** Bollo, I think Mr. Waters had copy of Mr. Gluth's and Mr. Greer's books in his brown bag. Yeah, scoop me on any upcoming fun, man. I'm pretty gray myself today, so no prob. ** IF, Yeah, I think the new lit world both online and off is a most gigantically vast improvement. The fact that you're getting fast-increasing recognition is an obvious sign. I just think that on that front, on the writing and publishing front, things in the USA have maybe never looked better. ** Tonyoneill, Hey, T. Oh, fyi, the little 'Neon Angel' thing goes up tomorrow. I'm with you on the health care reform as a Republican trouncing thing. I mean, just on the most basic of levels, it's a relief to see liars and fear mongers lose. After the Bush era, you had to wonder whether adopting the 'lie and scare' tactic would be the only possible way to win or 'win'. The Republicans thought so, and they're so inebriated by the high you get from lying and spreading fear that they probably still think so, but, with any luck, this is where they'll start to crash and burn. ** Little foal, Hey, man. I think it's a very good idea to have a friend around when you do mushrooms, at least the first time. It's kind of nice, although not at all necessary, to have good company in general when doing mushrooms because their high is a funnily social high with a lot of chuckling and so on, or it can be. Yeah, the sex and emptiness combo really doesn't get you very far, I think. That's a problem with hiring escorts unless the chemistry is good, and that's rare, or unless you're really into objectifying people during sex. Good day to you, my friend. ** Joseph, Hey, Joseph! Yeah, I don't know, but 'why not' seems like a good reason to go for it. Schooling is never like quicksand, you know? And you'd make a change, and you'd get the greater concentration on writing, and that's a good place to start. When would you begin? I'd guess Rod Hagen is as 'well traveled' as he says. I only know him a little socially as a fellow lover of good lit who happens to escort, but I get the impression he knows of what he claims. ** Changeling, Hey. Hunh, interesting about your friend's positing re: the eye stuff in 'Alice'. It makes a weird, total sense. Oh, I liked it actually. But I went in just wanting some 3D and eye candy with the usual Burton-esque schtick and background stuff, so I think I was an easy lay, as it were. I like Burton's stuff the same way I like horrible supermarket birthday cakes shaped and iced to look like medieval castles. I mean, yeah, it's a crusty nothing of a thing compared to the Svankmajer, absolutely. You seen anything you thought was particularly great lately? I haven't. ** Heliotrope, Glad you're feeling a little better or seem to be, man. I'd do Amoeba as an excuse to see you. Maybe tomorrow? I'm hoping this sickness thing that's hovering inside me is just a prank. Call me later, yeah, and I'll give you my internal weather report. ** Alan, Hey, A. Oh, it wouldn't be a pain at all. I mean, I do posts with a lot of pix sometimes, and once you upload a dozen or whatever photos, it doesn't really matter how many more there are. The uploading itself is just easygoing grunt work. I don't see why you giving me a Photobucket code, etc., would be a problem. Honestly, no sweat, and I would love to have whatever post you're talking about, trust me. Thanks a lot, man. ** All right, very late yet again, sorry, I'm done. Enjoy the post, please. Apologies for my kind of blah p.s. today. My head's not itself. I'm going to go try not to get sick now. See you tomorrow.

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