Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Old Ladies and Barbers Who Talk Non-Stop ....

First a PSA:

AB from Apathy Lounge is finally home and recovering from her very close call and surgery. 

Also, Countrigurl (Ne Baby/Hannah/Single in the City) also had surgery this week and is now home and on the mend.

And, Matt-Man’s BFF Schmoop’s mother is in the hospital and not doing all that well.

I’m sure they would all appreciate your taking a couple of minutes out of your busy day to send some good thoughts and/or prayers their way.


So it was time to go to the DMV today.  Now to be fair, our DMV is actually not all that bad.  Even when they’re busy, they move along at a pretty decent pace.  The women who work there know what they’re doing and they keep people moving along.  And, since all records were computerized a few years ago our DMV is very efficient.  I know we’re not allowed to say any gov’t office is efficient, but this one is. 

But, when we arrived there was a bit of a crowd, so I took a seat against the wall and got comfy.  This was helped by the fact that there was a very attractive woman with a very nice ass standing up at the counter being helped.  So, I decided I would spend part of my time waiting by just enjoying the view. 

Well, sure enough about two minutes later here came a little old lady into the office.  And you know what’s coming next, right?  Yeah, about 50 empty seats in the joint, but granny has to sit right in front of me.   So now my only view is her blue hair glistening under the florescent lights.  Obviously she was out getting all errands done in one day.

So anyway, I was like “Hey granny sit somewhere else!  You’re ruining the view!  I’m kicked back here leaning against the wall staring at that blond chick’s perfect ass.  DO. YOU. MIND???”

Okay, not really. 


Later it was time to get my haircut and … HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THE GRAY! 

I went ahead and went back the same barber shop I’ve been going to, even though I haven’t been happy with their work.  I’m hoping that she’ll get better and get more used to cutting my weird hair.  And, she actually didn’t do too bad of a job this time.  But, I’m not completely sure that I can keep going back cause she pretty much drives me crazy.  I need to bring a hidden recorder with me so you can listen to this chick.

“Last night my friends came over to the house so I made ice tea for the first since I don’t know when even though my husband is always asking for me to make it but see, I like unsweetened and likes it sweetened so I just tell him to make his own besides I don’t want ice tea at the house cause I drink this unsweetened ice tea from McDonald’s all day long and that’s enough ice tea of course when I tell my husband that he’s like “Ewww GROSS!” but I like it I think it’s really good but like I was saying since we had company and because he and my daughter Madeline have both been asking for ice tea anyway I agreed to make some so we’re all sitting there and I gave Madeline her ice tea and she took about two sips of it and said “Mom can I just have water?” well I just started laughing at that cause I was pretty sure she wouldn’t like ice tea and had only been asking for it because her daddy was but I am happy that she finally stopped wanting to drink milk all day long is now agreeing to drink water cause that milk is expensive HEY RODNEY HOW YA DOIN? JUST TAKE  SEAT anyway I keep checking all the grocery ads in the paper but nobody ever has milk any cheaper than that Great Value stuff at Walmart but you know what?  hey Sonja did I tell you this?  I went to Walmart last week and I wasn’t paying attention can accidentally got  Walmart Great Value one percent milk instead of the two percent I usually get and when I got home I thought oh boy I’ve done it now they’re gonna complain non-stop about this one percent milk but oh well they’ll just have to live with it cause it’s too expensive to just throw it out and you know what? they never said a single word not one word but if I had told them it was one percent they would complained non-stop I guarantee it ….”

Anyway, you get the idea.

If she concentrated as much on haircuts as she does on talking non-stop in a monotone voice she would get my hair cut in less that thirty freaking minutes. 

Okay, so that wasn’t very exciting but look at this way.  I was originally going to blog about health care.  So, now you’re probably pretty happy, right?  Well don’t get too happy, I might blog about it tomorrow. 

But, if I don’t this will be my last post for the week.  I’m gonna be busy and will have family in on Thursday.  I probably won’t  be around to comment much but I’ll be on Twitter. 

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