Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bloggers Meeting Bloggers?

So for the first time ever I met a real live blogger! In person!! Can you believe that? And which blogger was it? Was it one of the hot, sexy, smart and all around exciting babes from blogland?

Uh, no. It was Vinny Bond.

But, he did bring the beautiful and charming Nancy with him...

How cool is that? Vinny and Nancy were up here in the area and he sent me and email. Most people would have tried to sneak in and out of the are without my knowing. But, Vinny isn't the type to do that! Against his and Nancy's better judgment, he let me know they would be here Sunday Morning.

So, I drove over to the town of my birth, Yellville, Arkansas, population 1,312 (saaaaaaaaaaLUTE!) and we met up in the parking lot of the Harp's grocery store. From there we headed up to Hilltop Family Restaurant and had some breakfast and chit chatted for a bit before they had to head on back towards home.

It was really cool meeting my first real live blogger in person. And it's pretty cool that it was Vinny and Nancy because they are both so terrific! Come on back anytime guys.


In other bloggers meeting bloggers news, did you guys know that Lorelia Gilmore Starr is planning a Blogfest 2010 in Atlanta? Well she is. No she doesn't live in Atlanta, she is just planning on being there and wants all the cool bloggers to be there. Wait, if she wants the cool bloggers, then how did I get invited? Well anyway, it's in July of next summer, which seems like a long time off, but not if you're the type to plan out your blogger meet ups in advance it isn't!

There's even a cool logo...
blogfest logo

And a Facebook Group! How awesome is that? So, join the group and start making plans. This meeting other bloggers is cool.


In news about THIS blog, I finally gave in and put the Follow Me thingy on my sidebar. I've been resisting putting it on there for a while. Then one day I decided I should do it. Then I came across Hit 40's blog and her 974,309 followers or whatever it is and decided I wasn't worthy.

But, last Friday rxBambi asked where she could follow my blog. And hell, when someone named Bambi asks where the follow gadget is, I go and get it and put it on my blog.

So, feel free to follow way so I won't look like some loser with no friends.

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