Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mostly Useless Random Crap ....

Okay, so I’m suffering from a bit of blog block. Actually, it’s more of a self-imposed blog block. There are a lot of things I keep thinking of blogging about, but then I decide that nobody cares about those things and I just let it go.

Sometimes I type out these long rants about different things and then I just save them to my desktop and let them sit there for a day or so then trash them. Even if I don’t post them, it makes me feel better to just get it out of my system.

Maybe I should set up a rant blog that is completely anonymous and just post all my crazy shit there? But wait, isn’t that was THIS blog was supposed to be? Oh well.

Speaking of blogs, I haven’t responded to comments in a while either. Damn, I’m getting sloppy here. This is not the kind of blogging activity that you guys have come to expect from me. I must get back to making sure that you have an exceptional blogging experience here at Cynical_Bastard.


I was recently given awards by … uh .. I think Charlene and Mrs. D. And .. um .. shit, I really should thank people for those awards like the day after they give them to me so I can remember these things huh? I mean, if I can’t remember where I put my damn keys, why do I think I would be able to remember who gave me a blog award??

Anyway, if I left somebody out I apologize. Just let me know what a thoughtless prick I am in comments, okay?


So I’m sitting here the other day flipping through the channels while thinking about what to blog about and I flip past Great American Country channel and suddenly had to go back. Yup. There was a black guy with a guitar standing in a field singing a country song. I then noticed from the graphic on the screen that this was song #11 on their weekly country countdown.

I stared at this video for a second and thought about how cool it was that Barack Obama has already brought so much change and acceptance to this country that a black guy can have a song on the top twenty country countdown. I was so happy about this that I almost began to cry a bit.

Then I realized that it was Hootie (Darius Rucker) from Hootie and the Blowfish fame just trying to revive his long dead career by going country.

And then I died a little inside.


What's the deal with all of these people who want to stand sooooo close to me while waiting in line? You know these people? You're standing in line at say the convenience store and the walk up behind you and they're so close you can actually feel their breath on your neck? God I can't stand those people.

I've actually turned around and told people to move before because were so close. Once, while standing line in Wal-Mart these too teenage dudes walked up behind me and one kept getting closer and closer until I finally turned around asked him if he wanted to ask me out or something. Boy did he get pissed. Then his friends started laughing at him and gving him shit, which pissed him off even more.

Then I elbowed another guy once. He's lucky I didn't smack him right in the balls.

Anyway, a little personal space if you don't mind people.


Speaking of convenience stores .... The other day while I was in line (giving the person in front of me plenty of room) the clerk informed a woman that if she got two small Kit-Kat bars from the sale barrel she would actually get more Kit-Kat goodness for a lower price than the one Giant Kit-Kat she was buying. So, the lady said okay and did just that. Then the clerk quickly said "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

I thought she was saying that her boss would get made because she sold something less profitable, but that wasn't it. She said that she did something similar to a lady last week and the lady got angry with her and asked "Why? Do think I can't afford this or something?"

Again people, are we really this sensitive and touchy? Is it so bad now that even if someone is trying to save you money, you take it personally? Somebody is trying to honestly point out to you that you can get more for less and you are going to take it as personal attack on your character and financial fitness? That's just fucking pathetic.


But, you know what’s NOT pathetic? My favorite network TV show, Pushing Daisies. And not just because it features Anna Friel goodness…

but because that show kicks ass.


Speaking of great shows, is everyone also watching the final season of The Shield? OMG it’s freaking awesome! I can’t believe this is the final season. I don’t want it to end at all.


Okay, that’s all I’ve got. I’m seriously considering vlogging for tomorrow. I just need to come up with something to vlog about.

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