Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Few Memes ...

So I did a few memes and decided to post them today since I don't really have time to do anything else.

I swiped this first one from sweet Keshi ...

1. Name 5 of your all time favorite movies…
The Godfather (I & II)
Big Jake

2. Name one movie which you recommend as a "must see"

3. The one and only one movie that you've seen the most number of times (watching on TV won't count)
These are hard! Probably Office Space, if only because it is shown so often on cable.

4. Which movie comes to your mind first, when you think about the funniest movie?

5. Which movie made you really emotional?
The Deer Hunter

6. Which movie series do you think was as interesting as the first part in the series?
The Bourne Movies.

7. Which movie, according to you, didn't live up to your expectations, after all the hype you've heard?
There Will Be Blood

8. Which movie, really surprised you? (I assume they mean in a good way)
School of Rock

And now the one word meme that my very good friend Chelle did last week …

1. Where is your cell phone? Table
2. Your significant other? None
3. Your hair? Graying
4. Your mother? Retired
5. Your father? Dead
6. Your favorite thing? Computer
7. Your dream last night? Erotic
8. Your favorite drink? Pepsi
9. Your dream/goal? Happiness
10. The room you’re in? Bedroom
11. Your fear? Sameness
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Anywhere
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. What you’re not? Outgoing
15. Muffins? Yes
16. One of your wish list items? Camera
17. Where you grew up? Arkansas
18. The last thing you did? This
19. What are you wearing? Nothing
20. Your TV? Old
21. Your pet? None
22. Your computer? PowerBook
24. Your mood? Anxious
25. Missing someone? Yes
26. Your car? Infinity
27. Something you’re not wearing? Pantyhose
28. Favorite Store? Target
29. Your summer? Hot
30. Your favorite color? Black
31. When is the last time you laughed? Today
33. Who will/would re-post this? Dunno
34. Four places I go over and over: Store, Branson, Mailbox, Bathroom
35. Four Foods I Like: Italian, Mexican, Pizza, Steak
36. Four places I’d rather be right now: Beach, Mountains, Vegas, Bar

And finally M from Rumblings and Bumblings tagged me on the “7 Things About Me” meme. Granted I’ve done this one a few times, but I’m such a multi-faceted and fascinating person I figured what the hell. Besides, when she tags me I get a tingly feeling in my happy place.

1. I have a really HUGE crush on a certain blogger. I’m not naming names. This person may or may not be on my blog roll, but I read her blog all the time. I’m just blown away by her writing. I wish I could put into words how awesome she is.

Yes, she does happen to be absolutely beautiful too, but it’s her intelligence, sense of humor and amazing talent that makes her sexy as hell to me.

2. As much as I joke about stalking people, I would be the world’s worst stalker. I’m such a goober that I would probably get caught stalking someone on the first day. Seriously, I’d be hanging out somewhere in an alley trying to keep an eye on someone and lose her. Then like 10 minutes later she’d probably walk up behind me and be like “Dude, what are you doing sitting in that dumpster with binoculars?” And then I’d be like “Oh, uh .. I took up bird watching and thought I saw a rare Ivory Billed Woodpecker hanging out on that balcony over there.”

Yeah, that would really work out well.

2. I think I’m the only person on Earth who doesn’t have a really cool cell phone like an iPhone or Blackberry. And that sucks.

3. I’m the worst decision maker EVER. Nowhere does this show itself more than in Fantasy Football. If have three players for two starting spots, I will spend the whole week struggling to decide who to play. Then at the last minute I will make a move. And whichever player I leave on the bench will have a big game. Happens almost every week.

But the same concept applies to everything else in life. No matter what it is I’m trying to make a decision about, I almost always choose wrong.

4. I have seriously considered a total overhaul of this blog. Not just a new layout, but a new name and even moving it to a new location. But, I don’t know. Seems like a lot of effort.

5. I have now taken over 9,000 photos with my Canon A 510. I’m thinking that #10,000 should be something really over the top. Like maybe a full frontal nude photo of me that I would post on my blog.

6. I love driving and sometimes I just like to get in my car and take off driving around with nowhere in particular to go. Sometimes I drive around and listen to music. Sometimes I drive around and just think. Then sometimes I drive around just to drive around.

7. I’ve always wanted to learn to speak a foreign language. Spanish and French are the top two that I would love to learn. I’ve even considered ordering The Rosetta Stone, but that shit is more expensive than tuition would be.

So, anyone out there who could teach me a foreign language?

Okay, that’s all I’ve got. I’ll be back next Monday night with WWC and then I’ll get back to regular blogging.

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