Wednesday, March 19, 2008

a lovely spring day

Song of that day:

Heard this song like a million times that day on the radio.
We said it will forever remind us of that day.
Hilarious to lip synch to.

Yesterday was a wonderful day. It was nothing out of the ordinary but it was very special. The weather was great. It was sunny but it wasn't too hot. The breeze was light and the the sky was a sight to see. Yesterday was what spring break stands for, peace and tranquility with friends. Yesterday I went to the American River with my closest friends and we had a BBQ/picnic. The day was just very chill. I loved it. I appreciated it very much and thank that I have so many good friends around me.

Well the day before, Michelle came over to hang out and we had to decide what we were going to wear for our day to the river. Yes we were lame but we wanted to dress cute to impress even if we didn't anyone to impress. Well we walked to El Super Taco with my brother and ate a huge meal. Surprisingly my dad came there with his two friends also but he had no idea that we had come there. I always see my dad at the randomness moments when I go out to eat. Well we decided to walk around and then we walked to Kohl's to just play around and try on clothes. Well we walked from El Super Taco to Kohls (not a bad walk, like 20 minutes? or less) and well the parking lot is very large (and new) and we were walking until we realized we hit a fence. It was a very weird area to put a fence. Why would you fence up half the parking lot? So we would have to walk all the way back to the sidewalk and around to the main street to go to Kohls. So I came up with a brilliant idea and decided we should just hop the fence. The fence was not that high, probably like a foot taller than me (i am 5'2). Well I went first and the easy part is climbing up. The hard part is putting your legs over the fence and climbing down. I was wearing a jean skirt and black leggings. Well I was kind of stuck with one leg over the fence and I just kind of jumped down and I did not die. I suceeded and I started jumping with joy because I could climb a fence. Well then I realized I had tore a HUGE rip in the side of my leggings. It was sad. I had to take them off and throw them away. Then Michelle jumped the fence after me but she had a harder time since she wore jeans (her favorite ones too) but she didnt have any clothing disasters. We tried clothes and then left. We walked home. I took Michelle through this really cool nice path that went to a bridge. Yes a random bridge in a little surburbia of houses. It was a great path and it was so beautiful with the shades of trees and everything. So Michelle and I figured one day I will show that "secret path" to someone who I really like. Totally romantic righhhhtt? Haha. Too bad the bridge is over a nasty little creek with the sides of the walls all graffitified. Well we went to my house and were totally exhausted. We just laid on my bed until she had to go home. Later Pachia came to sleep over. We watched some cute Korean movies until 1 am though we would have to wake up early.

The next day, we woke up around 7ish. We were tired as hell but we had to get ready for the day. My parents were going to take us to the river and we were going to meet up everyone there. Well Melanie had arrived while Pachia and I had barely started getting ready. Then Hanh and Mylinh arrived later. It took awhile to figure out what to wear. Then we went to go pick up Chrissa at her house and we were off. We stopped at McDonalds because my parents were hungry. We waited in the car while my parents ate because we were not that hungry. Hanh and I got into another stresssing talk about budget cuts in California, financial issues, college, etc. HAHA. That is what we always end up talking about. Well after that we were off. We got to American River first and we had to wait to see where Kimber wanted us to go BBQ and set up. Well we waited for the other people to arrive, we were by the water and THERE WAS A FISH. My dad really wanted to catch it. It was the hugest fish I had seen and it was very random. We thought it was a sign of something. Because the fish had come up so close to the shallow rocks where we were. But I didn't want to kill the fish. It was amazing. Well everyone arrived and we had to drive off to another spot. Well as soon as we could, we walked to the river. It was nice but not great for swimming. The current looked really strong in some parts. Well we went back to our spot and helped out a little for setting up. Then most of the time we were all laying around chilling, waiting for food. The hamburgers we cooked were AMAZING. Though we didn't have much vegetables, it was still good. Eating is just more joyful when you are eating it with friends in beautiful weather. We played a lot. In words, the day was not as "exciting" as it sounds but that day was just nice and simple. Just laying down in the sun was just bliss. We ate oysters, pork, chicken, and more burgers. The oysters were pretty awesome with this great sauce someone made. We were all addicted to eating them. At one point I went on a walk with little Christina, Harjot, Melanie, and Pachia. We took this path that had high grass on the sides. We just wanted to see where it led us. Little Christina took a video of us but I am sure it was boring since we had nothing interesting to say. We find a steep trail down to the rocks and I went down but everyone else was too chicken to go. They all kept saying they were waiting for me to fall down while I was going down. It was nice though. I did make it down and it was beautiful. I could not enjoy my time down though because they were all being whiny and wanted to go back. So I climbed back up. We stayed at the river from 9-4pm. We played volleyball and took lots of pictures. It was just nice. Well we packed up and my mom picked us up. The girls with me and I just chilled at my house and laid in my bed. Then we watched a movie and it was very cute but we were all so dead tired. Melanie fell asleep on the floor and we were just being lazy. It was a pretty perfect day.

The one thing that made me really appreciate the day was something Hanh said. We were watching the Korean movie, Crazy Waiting for You which is about four couples and the boyfriends are going to army for their mandatory two year military service. Well I orignally did not realize how long two years is. I was saying why is it hard for girls to keep loving their boyfriends after two years. But then Hanh was like are you crazy, two years is a long time. Well I was being silly and said, "Hanh we are going to be in college in two years." Then she made that distressed sound and said "we wont have any of THIS anymore". She pointed around and before my eyes I saw what she meant. No more of us all laying around watching movies together. No more being silly together. No more being lazy together. In the next couple of years, we are all going to be split up. It was a really sad thought and I had a little sink in my heart. I guess I was being naive to believe we would all be near each other to hang out. But even two hours away from each other is hard. But it is okay. This is why I try and treasure these memories. That is why it made me glad to appreciate that spring day. And the happiness we all shared. And the bliss.

Arriving at the Lake. Hanh and Me (look at little Christina)

I love pictures of jumping but I hate doing them.
This took us a million tries.
Pachia, Me, Chrissa

Chilling with Friends

I made it to the river,
though Harjot and Melanie were rooting for me to fall down
on the steep path.

Love. We are cheesy.

Mylinh, Me, Pachia

I totally would look perfect if I didn't have my eyes closed.

We look pretty cheesy here too.

Pachia wants to beat someone up.

Here's a better pic. Though hair = eww.


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