Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Roids, Washed Up QBs, Losers and a Hottie ...

I don’t really care all that much about Alex Rodgriguez testing positive for steroids. I am rather concerned about what he might be taking that had turned him orange though …

That’s some weird shit man.

So, Brett Favre says he’s retiring. Again. I can’t wait until August when he un-retires. Again.

I can see it now. He announces he’s coming out of retirement and will play for the Detroit Lions.

Some blowhard on ESPN immediately says that Detroit is the “odds on favorite” to win the NFC, even though they went 0-16 last season.

Favre leads Detroit to 3 wins while throwing 19 interceptions and 12 touchdowns and is named to the Pro Bowl.

Seems as though Jets fans aren’t all that nostalgic about the Favre years…

So yesterday my good friend Dana posted about a few sets of parents who are so frustrated with their kids lack of discipline and whatever that they have resorted to making the kids stand on street corners holding up signs telling everyone what they have done.

One of the stories she referenced was this one that I sent her …

Now, for the record, I’m totally in favor of parents taking creative measures to get their kids attention. I think the public humiliation idea is worth a try. But, that’s not what I’m going to talk about here. No, I want to talk about the kid’s grades.

You will see in the pic that the kid got an “E” in both English and Algebra. You might be wondering what an “E” grade is. Well, I had to look this up too.

Turns out, it’s a failing grade. But, an “F,” which stands for “failure” has been deemed to be too mean to the poor, delicate little snowflakes, so they had to change the failing grade to “E” for “Effort.”

Hey, even my adopted alma mater of Arizona State University has done this, so apparently it’s pretty common.

Needless to say when I read about that I just laughed my ass off. By all means let’s make sure they don’t feel bad about themselves when they fail a class!

*Breaking News*

According to THIS article, Julia Louis Dreyfus says that not only has she ALWAYS been down with the idea of doing nude scenes, but that she is still willing to do one. She says the only problem is, no one has ever asked her to.

Ahem …. *Picks up camera and switches it’s setting to “video”*

Hey Julia .. wanna do a vlog together??

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