Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's Not My Style to Complain, But ...

Now, I would NEVER criticize anyone's blog here. I know a lot of people spend a lot of time blogging about how crappy other people's blogs are. I wouldn't do that. If I don't like what someone is saying on their blog, I just don't read it.

But, there are a few things that get on my nerves and I just can't stay quiet about it.

I gave up the fight against word verification a long time ago. I still hate it, but have come to accept that that is a losing argument.

I thought I was starting to win the war against comment moderation, but it looks like the tide has turned against me on that one. I keep coming across more and more blogs that do that. I totally understand that some people have legitimate reasons for that, but for most people this just isn't necessary. I will still try to fight this, but like I said, I seem to be losing.

I haven't complained too much here about people truncating their posts in their feeds in Google Reader, thereby FORCING us to click on their blog to read the whole post. Again, if you're blog has ads and you need the clicks for the ads, then okay, fine. I'm actually cool with ads as long as they aren't intrusive or pop-ups or anything like that. But, for all the "I just blog for myself and I don't care how many hits I get" crowd, I don't understand why you truncate posts. If you don't care about hits, then let me read your blog in my reader. But, I'm sure this one is a losing effort too.

However, there is one thing I'm going to bitch and whine about a lot. I keep coming across blogs that have very light colored text on very light colored background. Good God this is annoying! I don't care if I'm the only one here who has a problem with this and can't read the damn blog because the text doesn't show up against the background or not. I'm going to complain often and loud about this. Light pink text on a light pink background? Or gray text on a white background? Sorry, I can't read your blog.

I guess that light text thing is okay if YOU DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO READ YOUR BLOG. But, otherwise it is the #1 thing about blogs that is annoying me these days.

Actually it kind of reminds me of some of those design shows on HGTV. You know the ones where a designer focuses more on aesthetics than actual functionality of a room. They remove the TV and ceiling fan so you just sit there and sweat and stare at the wall. Or they put the couch facing away from the fireplace, so you're cold all winter long. Well, that's what light colored text on a light colored background is. It looks pretty but it's fucking useless.

I feel much better now that I got that out of my system.

And, I just can't let this go. Message to a certain governor who gave a "response" to a certain President on Tuesday night ....

We might want to keep an eye on those things. You know, they could like, blow or something. And we might want to, oh IDK, be able to warn people who live in their general area that they are about to blow.

Heck, you never know, but someday that "volcano monitoring" that is a total waste of taxpayers dollars and sounds silly, might even give us enough warning to evacuate 30,000 U.S. military personnel and $250 million dollars worth of military equipment from the path of, say Mount Pinatubo should it decide to erupt. What’s that, that ALREADY HAPPENED? Oh yeah. That hokey “volcano monitoring” thing kinda worked out pretty good huh?

Look, you can say that the stimulus bill was full of all kinds of wasteful spending. I’ll agree with you on that. And you can say that money for volcano monitoring didn’t belong in that bill. It should be in some other kind of appropriations bill. You might be right about that too. But, Gov. Jindal didn’t say either of those things. He mocked volcano monitoring as some kind of hair-brained, loony idea dreamed up by some Godless science-believing, commie-loving, terrorist-supporting homo liberals.

Out of more than seven hundred billion dollars, that’s the ONLY scab he could pick at? Good grief.

Hell, even the Libertarians believe that the gov’t should help to protect our citizens against natural disasters.

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