Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Plan B: Libertas relaunch with mindless sound bites and no substance

Libertas? Space Cadets?

Libertas relaunch amid writs and waffle!

Yesterday was a busy day for Declan Ganley, while his barristers processed his attempt to get an injunction against The Village magazine he had time to speak to Ireland's RTE Radio Pat Kenny Show. Declan Ganley said “One way or the other, we are coming. Libertas is going to happen to Brussels, whether they like it or not.”

Libertas is going to happen TO Brussels? What does that mean Declan?
Are Libertas going to issue some policies?

By the time the court met for a second time Declan was rumoured to be in Germany.

Earlier on the radio he said he would overcome his failure to win recognition from the European Parliament. “We can run candidates anyway because we are registering Libertas as a political party nationally in every member state of the EU.”
So he has not registered in every state. How organised is that? Is this plan B?

One potential candidate is the legal advisor to Ireland's Pro Life Campaign, Caroline Simons. Caroline has a legal background and said last night she was considering running in the European elections in Dublin

“I am thinking about it,” she said.

In a speech to be delivered tonight at Trinity College Dublin in response to former French president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, Ms Simons describes herself as “somebody seriously thinking about putting herself before the electorate”

Thinking about it? Seriously?
She has been "thinking" about it for months. She has been starring as Declan Ganley's stand-in on radio and TV shows in Ireland making gaffs about EU parliamentary structure and threatening court action in the warm up for her bid to become a Libertas MEP.Why hold back from stating you are running? Is this the type of decisiveness we need right now?

Ganley went on to slam European and Irish policies. Well what of Mr. Ganley's new policies to go with his new party? Nothing! Libertas have no policies.

Ganley slammed Euroscptics also. Indeed "I have poured scorn on Eurosceptics because scorn is what they deserve." he said.

What about these guys? Do you pour scorn on them too Declan? They are your Eurosceptic party members who signed up to get you/Libertas 200, 000 in funding. What are we to believe? That you scorn the people who support you and you bid for cash?

Phillipe de Villiers

De Villiers, (born Viscount Philippe Le Jolis de Villiers de Saintignon) was the Mouvement pour la France nominee for the French presidential election of 2007. He received 2.23% of the vote, putting him in sixth place. He was eliminated from the race.

De Villiers is noted for his anti-Islamist views: he wants France to break away from the Euro and to restore the French Franc.

An arch eurosceptic, de Villiers announced, in December 2008, on the MPF website that his candidates would be integrated into the Libertas slate for the European elections.

A political relationship between de Villiers and Declan Ganley, has been blossoming since the two men met two weeks before the Irish referendum, with Le Monde describing it as "love at first sight".

Ganley stayed at the French count's Vendee farm in the summer of 2008 and addressed the MPF's annual conference in Paris to a rapturous reception.
De Villiers was a guest at the dinner hosted by Ganley for Czech President, Vaclav Klaus, where Klaus breeched normal rules of diplomacy by attacking the Irish Government.

Paul Marie Couteaux, MEP

A member of de Villiers, Mouvement pour la France Couteaux is on record as saying that he would like to see France distancing itself from the union.


Cyprian Gutkowski, a number of the regional assembly of Mazovia, Poland. A supporter of MEP Maciej Giertych, 72, of the League of Polish Families who was censured in the EP for his booklet suggesting the Jews were biologically different.

Vladimir Zelezny, Libertas Czech Republic Despite Libertas’s claim to be pro-European, Mr Zelezny told Prague Radio l, ast year he was a Eurosceptic. “I left the Czech Republic for Brussels as a Eurorealist, Eurosceptical politician, and now I am a fierce Eurosceptic. It’s an over-regulated environment which strongly resembles what we know from our communist past.”

Timo Juhani Soini (born 30 May 1962 Rauma, Finland) is the leader of the True Finns party. Member of the Parliament of Finland. The party has 5 seats in the Finish parliament.
Soini was a member of the Rural Party (Suomen Maaseudun Puolue, SMP), and was Party Secretary General from 1992 to its end in 1995. He joined the True Finns Party (Perussuomalaiset) when it was founded in 1995 and succeeded Raimo Vistbacka as Chairman of the party in 1997.
Soini was his party's candidate in the 2006 Presidential election. He finished fifth out of the eight candidates in the first round, with a vote share of 3.4%. A book about Soini, Maisterisjätkä, was released by Tammi on March 2008.
Soini has been accused of xenophobia, which, as a devoted Catholic, he denies.

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