Thursday, April 23, 2009

Careful Where You Step

Such great comments are being made on the No Crown For You post. Gay Marriage is a highly charged, very emotional, topic - for both sides. Any conversation between the For-bies and the Against-ers is going to be a walk on a mine field. Yes, we are all - including me - throwing out opinions and arguments that are often fueled by anger. Those of us that have actually taken sides feel passionate about where we stand and we all have our reasons for believing as we do. And we are not going to agree - we just aren't. I love that Melinda admitted to being on the fence - she is actually thinking about it and using her brain to decide. She is taking it seriously and not being swayed by either her religious leaders NOR her obnoxious and loud blogger friend. She will figure it out for herself - as we all are.

Can we on the Pro side "Hate the belief, but love the believer" the same way they "Hate the Sin, but love the sinner?" I don't know. Depends on the relationship. Some are strong enough, some not. Welcome to the battle.

Candis made a good point about the comment "I've never heard anyone on the liberal side trying to use any sort of religious argument to convince people to allow gay marriage" when she said, "Uh. . . really? Did you happen to read the last sentence of the blog post you're commenting on?" I did throw Jesus in the pot there, didn't I? Yeah, that was my dig in response to the many religious arguments being used against gay marriage. But there is no point in throwing the "Jesus Said" rocks at one another - again, we are NEVER going to agree. For those of us on the Pro side, this is not a religious issue. It is a human rights issue. Period. To those on the Against side it is not a human rights issue. It is a religious issue. Period.

There is a book that I have heard is amazing. I have purchased it but have not yet had the time to read it. It is called "Gay Marriage: Why It Is Good for Gays, Good for Straights, and Good for America" by Jonathan Rauch. It is supposed to be very logical and even handed. Anyone read it that would like to comment? If anyone would like to read it and comment I would be more than happy to post your review / thoughts.

You all know why this is such an emotional issue for me. And, while 99.9% of the Against arguments make absolutely no sense to me at all, I do understand why they make sense to others. The one I do not get is the Threat to the Family one. I simply, logically, do not understand how a gay couple getting to create their own legal family unit threatens anyone else's family unit. Please, someone help me understand that one. I don't want to hear "Churches will be forced..." "Schools will be forced..." arguments. How does it threaten other families??? Help me understand that one.

* Side Note: Yeah, even I'm getting tired of blogging about this issue. I need to go on a date with a hillbilly and mix things up a bit. Actually, that is the absolute last thing I need. Never mind.

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