Thursday, February 5, 2009

People Annoy Me ...

For some reason I got lots of spam mail this morning from websites that sell all kinds of pain medications at HUGE discounts. I really wonder what brought that on?

And, I also got this in my email today …


Awesome! It’s Summer’s Eve with Holy Water AND rosary included. Sweet. That stuff would probably take care of any and all problems anyone could have.

Before I forget, go over to Death Chic’s place and wish her a happy birthday! She’s my favorite libertarian in the history of the world. Actually, her birthday was on Thursday, which means I should have put this on yesterday’s post. Oops.

And then be sure to go over and wish Matt-Man a happy birthday too! His is Saturday. So, I’m not late for his.

So, this afternoon, right after One Life to Live was over, I was sitting here with my heating pad on my back, minding my own business, when I saw that I had an email from someone whose name I didn’t recognize. “Hmm” I thought to myself, “must be fan mail. Maybe even a boob pic!” Uh, not so much.

It was an email from a woman who apparently follows me on Twitter letting me know that she was none too happy with my twitter post this morning which she considers SPAM! For the record, the post that she was so upset about was actually a “re-tweet” for some people giving away free books. I figured “who doesn’t like the chance to win free shit?” So I “re-tweeted” their announcement so that people who may not be following them would have a chance at the book. This is how I received a free copy of The Book of Unholy Mischief last week.

Anyway, this lady considered that spam, and unacceptable. I thought about this for a minute and decided to send her an email explaining that lots of people liked free shit, and I didn’t think this rose to the definition of SPAM and people use Twitter for many different purposes and blah, blah, blah. Then as I sat there and reread my email I suddenly decided to delete that and send a different one …

“Dear _____,

Thank you for your email. But, I want to say that I don’t believe that re-tweeting an opportunity for a free book is really considered SPAM at all. Also, I just wanted to point that I don’t know who the fuck you are. I went through my list of followers on Twitter and found you, and discovered that I follow you too, but can’t for the life of me remember ever seeing any of your “tweets” or seeing you respond to any of mine.

I guess I’ve been to your blog, but apparently it wasn’t a very memorable experience because I don’t remember anything about it or you. And I guess maybe you’ve been to my blog and that is where you found the link to my Twitter page, but I’m pretty sure you didn’t leave a comment here either. So, the first time I ever have any contact with you, is an email in which you’re bitching about the opportunity to win a free book that I posted on Twitter.

So, I would just like to point out to you that you could click the fucking “follow” button under my name again and then you would “un-fucking-follow” me and then you would never be subjected to any opportunity to win a free fucking book again. That’s the fucking beauty of Twitter. Rather than taking the time to send a whiny, bitchy fucking email, you can just fucking unfollow people if you don’t fucking like them.

Have a nice day.


Man, I sure do get grumpy when my back hurts.

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