Sunday, February 8, 2009

Let's Keep This Short Today ...

Everybody go wish Starr a Happy Birthday. She rocks.

I just got finished watching the Grammys. It was pretty good. There were some performances I could do with out. Like maybe we would have been better off without Miley Cyrus ruining Taylor Swift’s performance. And maybe the Jonas Bros could just go the fuck away. But, for the most part it was rather enjoyable.

I did find it amusing during the Red Carpet Show the way this one dude was telling us that Chris Brown and Rihanna weren’t going to be there and that Al Green was going to take their place. He kept saying “Somebody has to fill the time.” Fill the time? The damn show was 3 ½ hours! They didn’t need to fill the time, they should have just moved on to the next award and saved the time.

Also, I don’t understand why the Jonas Bros and Kanye West both got TWO songs while Paul McCartney only got one. That just doesn’t make any sense.


This morning in Wal-Mart I took my few items up to the 10 Items or Less express lane to check out. When I got there, the girl working the register was trying to open a roll of quarters, but she wasn’t having any success at all. She finally said “Sorry, I’m totally spacing out today.”

Normally this would annoy me, but she was cute, so I let it pass. Then we have this exchange …

Girl: I had to work until 2 am last night and then be back at 10 this morning. I’m not doing well with that schedule.

Me: Well, that is pretty rough.

Girl: Yeah, maybe it would have been okay back in the days before the internet, but not anymore.

I guess she did have a point. Back when I was her age, if I had worked until 2 am the only thing I would have to do when I got home would have been to drink a few beers and watch Law & Order. But now, you’ve got email and blogs and facebook and twitter and all the others to keep up with. It’s pretty time consuming. I bet it is rough on people who work rotating shifts.

Oh and as I mentioned on Twitter and Facebook, I did in fact forget where I was parked when I left Wal-Mart. Normally I park in the same area every time. But, today I up and try something new and parked more in the middle of the parking lot between the two entrances. So, when I left I headed to where I would normally be. And then I stood there for a couple of minutes trying to remember where I parked.

That’s what I get for trying to get a little variety in my life.


Mellow Yellow Monday is brought to us by Drowsey Monkey.

I took this back in the summer. I don’t really know what kind of flower or weed this is, but it was yellow.


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