Friday, February 6, 2009

hello, sunshines!!! :)

this is one of my favourite photos of this year.
it was taken by baby in pancake house pyramid when we were out for
our impromptu date :)

i just love everything about it! the whole pic, the colour, myself *teehee*, the background, the photographer.. ;) it was taken using his new samsung. i *heart* it!

so, after my 3-day training, i have officially become a team member of coffee bean! :D

my old nametag
my ugly handwriting of my name. heheh sigh..
yay! new proper nametag! :)

and this is the first day with all the new stuff.
new cap, new nametag, new apron, and new maroon top
which looked HUGE on me and made me look like a kid. why don't they have XS.. :(
gtg for another dance teaching soon!
urgh! TGIF does not apply to me.

oh well, til' then! :)

love, careen.

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