Saturday, February 27, 2010

p.s. Hey. First, I want to urge you to go have a look at Transductions today or this weekend if you weren't already planning to 'cos its front page at this very moment is a staggeringly great stack of mind-bogglingly brilliant posts by a bunch of geniuses you should already know from hanging around these parts: Joseph Marcure ('You-x'), Chris Goode, David Rylance ('Slatted Light'), Antonio, Kai van Eikels ('Allesfliest'). Second, there's a plan in the works to organize a get-together for the LA-based d.l.s, occasional blog commenters and lurkers to take place while I'm in the city on an upcoming trip. So, I'd like to run a possibility by you: Sunday, March 14th, either afternoon or early evening time. If you Angelenos could let me know in the comments area(s) this weekend if you're free and game sometime that day, that would be great, and, if so, we'll set the time and date. The get-together, whenever it ends up happening, will take place at Sherwood Magazines, the fine newsstand owned by the artist and d.l. Brendan ('Blendin') Lott and located roughly in the sort of La Cienega/Beverly Center area. Let me know, please. That's your top 'o the p.s. for today. ** Steve Trull, Ten weeks ago: hardcore, nice. ** Misanthrope, Not much AL chatter would be lovely, but, you know, be yourselves always. Oh, that possible job sounds pretty okay, no? Assistant manager has a very nice ring to it. Powerful but not too powerful. ** David Ehrenstein, Oh, very, very sweet about the Canadian television thing. You'll steal the show, no doubt about it. Yeah, obviously give an alert when the show runs. Maybe I can even get the channel on Livestation, which is fairly decent. Okay, I feel strange and lonely disagreeing with you and so many others here, but I didn't like 'A Single Man' at all, and Tom Ford was responsible for everything I so disliked about it, but I know you love the film as do others here whom I respect, and love is a precious and powerful thing, so I'll just leave it at that. ** Empty Frame, Hey. Okay, that's a hell of a six months you've got coming up there. Very nice planning and/or score as the case may be. Dream-like start to finish. Congrats, pal, and certainly I'll savor my bit part in it. Weekend of excellence to you. ** Bernard Welt, The class sounds just superb, B. 'The General' is a great centerpiece, and awesome that 'Sherlock Jr.' and the Beckett will find their ways in there. I was curious to know if/how the Beckett might play into the hands. If you find that link to the essay and remember, yeah, I'd love to have a chance at it. ** Chris Goode, Thank you so much about the post, Chris. Really, thanks, means a whole lot. Dude, your new post on theater scripts over at Transductions is just brilliant, and I couldn't take my waking eyes off of it all morning. Incredible, meta-fork in the road stuff. Not to mention getting to see your scripts and wishing you were within metro length so I could ply you with questions about them. Your colleague status and friendship are an honor, man. What can I say. ** David, You've got me about those kerchiefs. There are two or three Russian porn sites where the boys and men -- when there are men -- sport them both pre-sex and during. My guess: Russian boy scouts equivalent type reference? ** Bacteriaburger, Hey, N. You good? Oh, man, thank you a zillion for your gift. It's just beautiful, and, as of yesterday, it's what my eyes see every time they rise or drift above the uppermost rim of my laptop's screen. Thank you so much. That's so kind of you, and I'm thrilled to be able to center it in my world. ** Sypha, It does make me feel better, and unfortunately we are doomed, ha ha. Japan, on the other hand, is holding their own quite nicely. ** Tosh, Buster Keaton: it does not get better. Oh, I was really pleased to come across a great work by your father in that 'Vanites' show at Musee Maillol that I mentioned having seen a week or so ago. ** JW Veldhoen, Oh, I see, yes, 'God Jr'.', Bachelard -- such an awesome mother, that guy. In that sense, you're saying. Yes, right, and I was thinking about the issue with clod hoppers on before. Don't think I've read that Perec, and I must/will. I think Spooge Pony still exists but its owner lives on Facebook now. ** Alan, Oh, yeah, sure you can send an electronic version. Thank you, man. I do check my mail and have my phases where I'm fairly into the opening, reading/writing thing, and I'm in a reasonably okay phase as of yesterday, I think. Anyway, blah blah, yeah, and thank you, my friend. ** Mark Gluth, Hey, Markster! Will you be in LA by/on the 14th if we have that blog gang meet up I'm proposing? ** Wolf, An angry wolf is a wolf, right? I mean, wolves get pissed, right? They sure seem pissed sometimes. Speaking of, and forgive me if this redundant, but if you haven't seen 'Fantastic Mr. Fox', do, 'cos there's a wolf scene in there that ... well, just see it. I think I read a bit of Montaigne during my schooling in the States, but not much, but know that I sloughed my way through most of my schooling. He does deserve a Day. Daunting prospect, but let me feel it out. ** Little foal, Hey. Great that you want to join the gang. I mean, you're already in it, man. So, in a way, this being a slaves post day, it's kind of like our second anniversary or something in a weird way. Happy anniversary, ha ha. It's a really great pleasure to have you here. Thank you a lot for sending the book. I'll go do my first email check of the day later and watch for it. If you talk to your parents between now and Monday, all the luck in the world, and know that we've got your back. Love, me. ** Creative Massacre, Your Atlanta trip was like the episode of a very unusually riveting reality show. Really, if you'd been trailed by a camera crew, the world would now be a better place. Actually, it already is thanks to your report. Sounds like the good definitely outweighed the bad, although a bad headache is nothing trivial, I know. The band is going to open for Linkin Park? Wow, that's a big, juicy gig right there. Paying off is right. Congrats all around, pal. You were the only passenger on the plane? Wow, what are the odds of that? Glad you're home, looking forward to seeing the pix, and have an awesome weekend, yeah? ** Don w, Hey, Don! The 'proper authorities in NYC' sounds ominous and, well, nerve-jangling/ exciting too. Do let me know more or report on the outcome, yes, please. Why the desert hinterlands plunging? Why not, obviously. Glad the internet gets wherever you are. If you ever shed that, you've probably gone too far. You take care too, D. ** Tomáš, Hey! Oh, yes, I read the email and I most definitely want it. The post, I mean. I'll get it set up, and I'll send you the launch date straight away. Thanks a lot, man. That's really fucking nice of you. Deep bow. ** Chris (British), I guess you're probably going to end up having to cave in and get a Kindle or iPad or something for the sake of your reading habits, no? Oh, The Hold Steady, that's much better (in my book). Still, you and Mr. McLean will always have February. No one can ever take that away from you. ** Paul Curran, See what you think of 'Fox'. Ostensibly, I think you could take your kiddo too, but, hm, on second thought, don't take my word for that. ** Steevee, I know it's heartless and just plain terrible of me to envy you and your fellow New Yorkers' snow misery, but I just do. I can't help it. ** _Black_Acrylic, Better day-by-day is very nice to hear, man. Oh, the mix-tape is ours at last, awesome. Everyone, you're going to want to click this link for no doubt many reasons since it leads to the undoubtedly super fine Yuck 'n Yum mixtape, but one very big reason is because it contains a track by our own _Black_Acrylic aka the multi-talented Ben Robinson entitled 'Black Mass/ Small Print', and here I will quote from the liner notes: 'This audio artwork is a collage of excerpts from two texts: the Black Mass, originally used in Satanic ritual, and the terms and conditions of a Lloyds bank current account. When said aloud together these incongruous sources reveal a happy consistency of purpose.' If that doesn't turn your inquisitive sides into volcanos, then I don't know my d.l.s and readers. So click and then click the link at the top of the page where you will magically appear. Thanks a lot, Ben. I'll do my clicking as soon as I've clicked Publish. ** Jose, Oh, I did, man, totally and deliriously. Thank you a lot, and kindly accept my own private Turner Prize. ** Jesse Hudson, Hey, Jay Bird. My novel went pretty well, thanks. More excitingly, your novel did as well! That's very, very good to hear, and your description of your plans and structural work is mouthwatering. I want to hear a lot more about that both here and you know where. ** Inthemostpeculiarway, I guess the definition of good hands would include long fingers, right? Do short-fingered hands ever get their share of props? Oh, hm, strange Bendy report, yeah, but, I don't know, I think that means he does care. I don't see any other explanation. Your shoplifting friend is cruising for a bruising, I fear. But maybe she's the soul of nimbleness. I think you already know that in France you don't have to tip. When you don't, it's business as usual, and when you do -- and I always tip since I'm a red blooded American -- you actually kind of seem to make the person's day. Your day report didn't suck at all. I could listen to you write the phone book. My day, uh ... Writing, yeah, all that, pretty good, I guess. More book reading. Almost finished all three books I'm reading, and none are letting me down to say the least. Shopped for food and cigarettes. Didn't buy anything I don't always buy apart from lemon juice, and that was for Yury. Yeah, the day was a tidbit-free writing day basically. In the evening, I met up with Yury and his friend Lena at a movie theater near the Paris Opera, and we saw 'A Single Man', which, as I already mentioned, I didn't like. Yury liked it more than I did, but he didn't think it was very good either. His friend Lena is a fan of Tom Ford's clothes and liked it the most, but she seemed to be mostly excited about the fact that Tom Ford's real life boyfriend had a fraction of a second cameo. When we exited the theater, it had stopped raining finally after days straight of rain, and Paris looked incredibly beautiful, so we took a forty minute walk home instead of taking the metro, and that was the day's highlight. Then I just watched a half hour or so of the Olympics and hit the hay. It's your weekend now, and I await the coverage. ** Amccartney, Great, then, let's both Joel and I come down to visit you and see that skate park very soon after I get there. It's a date. And if I can get a blog day out of it, more's the merrier. Call me, like, either on the 11th or the morning of the 12th, if you don't mind, and we'll make an instant-plan. Can't wait, and have a serene weekend. How's the novel going right now, btw? ** Stan_cz, A Polanski fest sounds nice. I won't be surprised if 'The Ghost Writer' does that to me too. It launches in Paris next Wednesday. ** Chris, Has work been any more tolerable lately? Favorite Can album, okay, I'd say 'Ege Bamyasi' if I had to choose. Yours? You have a good weekend too, pal. ** Chilly Jay Chill, Hey, Jeff. Organizing, yeah. My ideas on it are pretty basic and vague, I think. I guess I think of the organization of songs on albums that I think are particularly well shaped in terms of the way the energy rises and falls, flows here and jars interestingly there. Sort of like thinking of the stories that surround each individual story as their frames. I guess it's kind of heavily intuitive for me. That probably doesn't help much. What are your thoughts so far on the organizational front? I don't know Moon Wiring Club, so I'll definitely seek that out. Incredible String Band suggestion: Well, I'd say the next one to get is 'The Wee Tam and Big Huge' if you can find them in one package, and I'd guess you can because, while they were released as two albums, the releases were simultaneous and, essentially, they compose one album. I guess I would recommend gathering all the early period greats before moving forward, but, if you want to start getting into their later work, I'd say start with 'Liquid Acrobat As Regards the Air', which I think might be the best of their 70s albums. ** Math, Math! Hey, pal! Thank you for peeking in. You good? You're very loved and missed. ** Slatted Light, Whoa, fantastic stuff on Justin's book! That was a serious knock out there. As more than inferred at the top of the p.s., wowzer, has Transduction been insane and utterly genius the last few days or what? Not that it isn't always, but, Lordy! Bon weekend, sir. ** NB, I didn't see your fox mask until this very minute. Is that, like, an official 'FMF' merch thingeroony? I'm very impressed. And by the appearance in the background of the great experimental novel 'Linux Server Hacks'. And what are Heather Locklear and Marcus Whale and the young Casey McKinney doing in your office? ** James Greer, Jimmy! Oh, shit, I will go check my email lickety-split. Thank you with a huge duh. What a fucking title! Best Pollard title maybe ever, I'm thinking? How's your remote corner of France treating you? ** Bill, Post-reading blog dinner thing is secure. Just need to organize the local troops, and that'll happen easily enough. I do hope you manage to get here. T'would be awfully nice for me. And, you know, for you too, I'd hope. ** Maximum Etc, Hey! I'm glad you saw the Day, man, and that you thought it turned out okay. Yeah, I saw the Molly Young comments thread, and I have to say that snowballing outburst of asshole-ishness, misogyny, and bald faced, undigested jealousy by those chickenshit anons and faux-anons was just about the lowest, most disappointing point in HTMLG's history to my mind. I'm glad you seem to have seen it for what it was. It's depressing to see a bunch of idiots abuse a situation that was fueled by nothing but generosity and enthusiasm, but, seriously, fuck them. The Higgs book is amazing, it really is. That guy is really something, as is Ken for giving him the support. I don't know that Peter Marshall book at all, hm, and wow. I'm going to find that book post-haste. Yeah, thanks for passing that on, Justin. All the respect and love there is to you, man. ** Justin, Next time I redraft my will, I'll put your name on that box. Yeah, mostly 70s and 80s porn mags, American for the most part, but with some European and Asian stuff too, and some late 60s stuff here and there. I did these posts for a while here, some I think I titled 'Ghost Stories' or something, and some titled something like '70s porn search and rescue missions' where I scanned and posted some of the magazines. Oh, ha ha, well, I did show Yury the Julius stuff just to make sure I wasn't out to lunch by liking it before I committed to the post, so he does get some credit. Well, yeah, it would be really cool if I could interview the Big Pink for Butt Magazine. I'd love to do that, and it's an inspired idea. Like I said though, I get the feeling the Butt Magazine people aren't so into me or into my stuff or something, so I'd be surprised if they'd want me to interview the band, but you never know. It's a great idea, in any case. No, my boyfriend who was also with Michael Alig is named Mark. Okay, have a great weekend, Justin. ** L@rstonovich, Great recent show, man. I need to go see if the playlist is up yet so I can solve the beautiful puzzle. I forgot to include it in my day report to Itmpw, but it and post-rain Paris share yesterday's highlight reel. ** Bollo, Hey. Thanks for the quick update on the show and on your performance. Much appreciated, and it sounds like the little problems weren't in any way deadly. Would love to see any evidence if it ends up somewhere that I can access. Great weekend to you too. ** Blendin, Well, I made the initial query up top re: our event, and, god or whoever willing, maybe we can nail the baby down early next week and send out the invites. Thanks a lot for doing that, man! Justin Bieber: Oh, hm, not so interesting to me. If I were 13 years old or something, he might turn my hand white, but only once or twice maybe, and probably only in the context of an imaginary 3-way with some other teen star who didn't make kindergarden hand and arm gang gestures in his publicity photos. ** Oscar B, Dude! Yeah, we should. Damn, it is positively gorgeous out. Maybe Maison Rouge? Maybe soon? I'll call you when this is launched. ** That's all. You have slaves to negotiate this weekend, so get to it, and I'll see you right after the weekend.

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