Thursday, February 25, 2010

All About Me Thursday Thirteen ...

A couple of times a year I decide to play Thursday 13.  Not officially or anything really.  It just happens to be Thursday and I don’t really have anything, so I play without telling anyone who’s in charge of Thursday 13.  Well, maybe I would if I actually knew who was in charge.

Anyway, 13 things about me that you probably don’t really care about….

1. Even though these things are kinda gross, I actually like them quite a bit…

2. Whenever I’m watching one of my favorite teams play any sporting event, I will turn the game off with a minute or so left if they are going to lose.  I can acknowledge that my team lost, and even that the other team is better, but I will not actually watch my team lose.

3. A lot of times when people post something serious on Facebook, Twitter or their blogs, I will respond with a not-so-serious comment.  Not because I’m trying to be a smartass, but because I’m trying to make them smile or lighten the mood a bit.  I think it comes across more as smartass though.

4. I’ve mentioned this before a long time ago, but I will NOT share a bar of soap with anyone.  You’re welcome to use my shower, but you’ll need to bring your own bar of soap please.  Or, you can use the bar that’s in there, and I’ll just open a new one.  That’s fine too.

5. A little more than a week into lent and I’m finding that the hardest part is the soft drinks.  The junk food and even alcohol haven’t been any big deal to give up.  But, the soft drinks! Oh man. I haven’t been able to completely go without.  I have had to take a few hits.  I admit it.  But, I think I’m weeding it out.  I just should have started that process before lent.

6. I think mayonnaise is the most disgusting substance on Earth.  It’s really gross and I can’t understand how anyone can smother that crap all over their burgers and sandwiches.

7. I love spicy foods, but they don’t love me.  About the time I turned 40, I suddenly couldn’t handle spicy foods anymore.  Something I consider totally unfair.

8. When I was a kid I wanted to be either a sportswriter or a lawyer when I grew up.  I’m neither.   Although, I guess I could start a sports blog and call myself a sportswriter if I wanted to.  Anyway, I do still think it would be cool to be a sportswriter and be assigned to cover some of the more obscure and lesser known sports.   Like maybe do an expose on the Russian Women’s Curling team….

Or just a story on Ludmila Privivkova…

9. I love to drive.  I can just hop in the car and drive all over the place.  It relaxes me and I do my best thinking while driving.  Commuting is NOT driving though.  Commuting is something you’re required to do to get someplace.  Usually in heavy traffic.  That makes it much less fun.

10. I have days where I’m really depressed and everybody and everything annoys me.  I read blogs, twitter and Facebook and just think “blah, blah, blah.”  I only talk to anyone if I have to and even then I’m thinking “Go the fuck away!”  I hate these days.  I think maybe if I had a dog these days would be fewer and further between.  Or if I was rich. But, I can’t have a dog in this apt. and I haven’t won the lottery yet.  Both of these things piss me off even more.

11. I rarely send friend requests on Facebook.  If I see someone on there from the bloggerhood, I just assume that if they wanted me on their friend’s list, they would have sent a friend request.  That’s probably silly, but I hate to force someone to add me out of some sense of obligation or worse, for them to just ignore me. 

12. I don’t have that same problem on Twitter because it’s very different.  There’s really nothing personal on your profile or anything.  But, if I do start following someone (not necessarily another blogger, just someone I think is cool, clever, funny or interesting) and they don’t follow me back, I do tend to take it personally and unfollow them.

13. My butt itches.

Okay, there you go. Thirteen totally fascinating things about me.

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