Sunday, February 21, 2010

Celebrities Aren't Your Friends So Don't Take It Personally ...

Okay, so building a little on this John Mayer business from last week.  I’ve thought about doing this post a few times, but each time I thought of it, I was afraid it would sound like I was calling someone out.  But, this time the only person I might be calling out, is a sad, worthless, piece of shit troll who left a comment on my blog last week.

Basically, one of my biggest pet peeves in the whole world  is when people get pissed off when they find out that I, or anyone else, doesn’t like what or who they like.  WTF people?  We don’t all like the same things.  It’s not personal.  It doesn’t mean we hate each other, we just don’t like all the same things, people or places. 

Here’s an example of what usually happens.  I will casually mention during a blog post that I think the country/pop band Rascal Flats sucks.  Inevitably, someone will comment and say something like: “Well, I guess you think I suck too because I love them.”

Umm … No, I don’t think YOU suck.  I think THEY suck.  They are not you, and you are not them. They are not your friends, and they don’t really need you to defend them either.  The fact that they sell oodles and oodles of CDs and singles on iTunes and sell out world tours pretty much proves that there are a lot of people out there who, unlike me, think that Rascal Flats does not suck.  Neither of us wrong.  We just both have our own likes and dislikes.

Here’s another example:  I think Natalie Portman is freaking awesome.  I think she’s beautiful and talented and smart and all that cool stuff…

But, lots of people don’t liker her for various reasons.  And they don’t hesitate to let me know either.  I don’t take it personally and I don’t respond to their misguided dislike of Natalie by launching personal attack on them either.  We just disagree on Natalie’s awesomeness. I also don’t avoid posting about her just because I know that some people out there don’t like her.  Same with sports.  Anytime I post about sports I get several people telling me how much they hate sports.  And how superior they are because of it.  But, if I want to post about Natalie Portman or sports, or Natalie Portman playing sports then I will and I won’t give a fuck about who likes it or not.

Which brings me to another thing we all do.  Or lots of us do.  When we happen upon a blog post about someone or something we don’t like, we tend to make sure to let the writer know that we don’t like that person or thing they’re writing about.  As if it’s really important for them to know that.  We don’t focus on the quality of the post, or the ideas they are throwing out there, we just focus on what we like.  I’m sure I’m as guilty about this as anyone else.  I’m gonna try to make an effort not to be that way in the future.  It’s really kind of rude.  I mean, I can mention that I don’t like who or what they’re writing about while still acknowledging the quality of their post.  Or at least I should be able to.

Anyway, I’m not talking here about doing blog posts defending someone who is being attacked by the media or whoever.  Or, defending your favorite singer, actor, athlete, celebrity or political party in comments.  I’m talking about launching rude personal attacks against someone simply because they don’t like who or what you like.  Or taking it personally when someone says something critical, or posts an over the top blog post making fun of, someone or something you like.

I mean, lets be honest here.  These people aren’t our friends.  They don’t know we exist, and if they did they wouldn’t care.   I know that many of you have fantasies that you will actually meet your favorite celebrity and they will fall in love with you and you’ll be BFFs and lovers for the rest of your lives.  Or maybe you just fantasize a weekend of debauchery in Vegas with George Clooney or a Victoria’s Secret model.  But, it isn’t going to happen.  So let’s tone down the idol worship just enough that we can handle not everyone liking who we like, or even making fun of our favorite celebrity without making an idiot of ourselves.  Defend them all you want, but just do so without all the personal attacks. Okay people?

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