Saturday, February 20, 2010

Casualties of Apples and Snow

The snow has claimed another victim. And for once, I am the victim. Moving hundreds, if not thousands, of pounds of snow is bound to cause an injury. On Saturday last week my wrist started to hurt. Then the next day it started to hurt some more. Then the next day it started hurting even more, but with the added bonus of less strength and less mobility. The next day blessed me with a grinding sound.

My mom is nurse and when I spoke to her on Wednesday night I mentioned that my wrist was in a lot of pain. She asked if I was taking an anti-inflammatory. I told her I was taking Advil. She asked how much? I told her about 12 per day. Yeah, it's time to go the doctor.

I made my appointment for Thursday evening. This would alleviate any conflict with leaving work early. I made the appointment at Carroll Primary Care over by Liberty High School. It would be the first time I visited this doctor. There's a pool of doctors and sometimes you just get who you get.

I arrived at 7:20pm, signed in, paid my copay, and sat down. I picked up Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue that was sitting on the chair and I was only 15 bikinis into it when they called me back. Damn!!! For once I didn't care if I sat in the waiting room for an hour!

First they weighed me. (Those machines lie!!!) I was then led into a room. The room was decorated with an American flag border around the top, ceramic miniatures of famous buildings such as the White House, the Capitol Building, Independence Hall, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Jefferson Memorial, to name a few. On the wall was a framed picture of Ronald Reagan and the Constitution. Wow!!! This is my kind of doctor!!!

When he arrived he diagnosed my problem quickly - an inflamed tendon, that can quickly be cured with an immobilizing wrist brace and a stronger anti-inflammatory medicine. We then talked politics for like 15 minutes. What a cool doctor!!!

Meanwhile, on the same day, my 14 year old neighbor was having surgery. A month or so ago she was using one of those Pampered Chef apple slicers. Well, it sliced more than her apple. It sliced a tendon on her finger and then it never healed properly. Her doctor recommended immediate surgery.I feel bad for her because she's very active in school with volleyball and the clarinet. Plus the finger is on her right hand and she's right-handed. But in a few weeks she'll be as good as new.

And here we are show-casing our injuries. Perhaps I can be her right hand and she can be my left hand:

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