Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bringing Out The Big Guns

I have so many things I am really trying to wean myself off of: a ridiculous sugar addiction, the mocking of those considerably smaller than me, always marching at the head of the big, gay rights parade...

I know I am far too often Nellie The One Note Fairy Princess but I look around me and I just don't get it. Mormons and Catholics are now officially banning together in their fight to "Defend Religious Freedom."

How is this about religious freedom??? I really want to know.

In his talk to 12,000 BYU students on Tuesday, Cardinal Francis George, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, said “In recent years, Catholics and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have stood more frequently side by side in the public square to defend human life and dignity." But whose human life and dignity are they defending? Their own. They are only interested in defending those that are like them - those that believe and live as they do. Really??? That's what Jesus Christ - the radical and unbelievably loving and accepting and compassionate being that you proclaim you follow - taught??? Really???

Gay Marriage and Religious Freedom are two completely separate issues but the more that religious leaders lump them together and rally and frighten their mobs, the less likely they are to actually think it through for themselves.

Gay marriage DOES NOT pose anymore of a threat to the world than freeing the slaves, allowing women to vote, allowing blacks the same rights as whites or interracial marriage did. All of those things were going to bring about the end of civilization and they did not. Nor will this.

I know that there are readers of this blog that do not support gay marriage -religious individuals that absolutely believe that their religious freedom is being threatened. PROVE IT. I mean that sincerely. I have yet to find one person who can give me a good argument besides "God says so." I am absolutely baffled by the religious freedom argument. If you believe that gay marriage threatens your religious freedom, I am sincerely begging you to explain to me how. Post anonymously so you won't be personally attacked. And, I don't want to hear "Because God says..." or "Gays are evil therefore..." I really want to know how your religious freedom is threatened by two men or two women getting married.

Cardinal George also said "But when Prop. 8 opponents respond by thuggery, by quasi-fascist tactics, then the common good, our whole society, stands in great jeopardy." Forget counting to ten. I could count to one million and still be furious about this statement. Gay individuals were going about their business of loving one another and picking out china patterns, without giving the second thought of a rats ass about the Mormon Church, when it swooped in and took away one of their basic human rights. What about taking away the separation of church and state and allowing religions to dictate who gets what rights? What does that do to the common good and safety of society? If a religion can rally and strip rights from a group of people once, what's to stop them from doing it again? Who will be next?

The Mormons crying victim, yet again, is outrageous to me. A bully has been beating up kids on the playground for years. Making the smaller ones feel sad, lonely and unworthy. It has been kicking them, throwing sand in their eyes, pulling their hair, calling them names, getting groups of other bullies to follow them. At long last, those that were being bullied stood up, kicked the bully back and said NO MORE. Now that bully is sitting in the Principal's office blubbering with snot running down it's shirt crying about the "thugs and fascists" that were mean to it?

Are you fucking kidding me???

[Deep breath. Happy thoughts. Count to infinity...]

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Related Links:
Guardian: Mormons And Catholics Join Forces

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