Thursday, July 23, 2009

two-hundredth post!!!

What in the world could we have possibly written to fill up 200 posts? A bunch of random, crazy things that probably were not interesting read. ^o^ A couple of my friends have influenced me on doing those silly smileys on AIM. Now I test out all different smileys to express my mood online.

Well I really do not have anything profound to say for this special post so I will just update on the usual cool things I have stumbled upon lately. Like example one,

I loved the Tim Burton remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so I am very excited for this remake of the Disney classic, Alice in Wonderland. Tim Burton does have a love for putting a twist on slightly twisted children classics. Johnny Depp looks very interesting here and I love Anne Hathaway! I can't wait for this to be out.

Demi Lovato just released her new album, Here We Go Again. I loved Demi since her first album. She is much more talented than the rest of the Disney stars who have released albums. She has chops. I wish I could see her in concert but I would probably feel insanely old surrounded by a bunch of 10-13 year old girls. But I made some of my friends love her too so I wouldn't have to go alone! Here are my favorite songs from her album:

Lyrically, I like those the best and I love her new soft sound, ESPECIALLY "Catch Me" and "Falling Over Me". I will continue to be a Demi fan as long as she improves and grows!

So I found the coolest site ever, LISTOGRAPHY. I am a list type of person, obviously if you have read the last 199 posts, I probably have made at least twenty lists for myself. I use lists to help me organize my life, plan out my goals, keep me sane because it makes me think I have a plan. Plus it feels good to look at that list and see that things can be crossed off. Well, I stumbled upon and made myself a personal list page. Some of the lists people make are pretty cool like people they have crushed on, movies they want to see, etc. I just made some plain lists. Though it definetly helps to make lists about things I want to remember it cannot be used for many practical things like a grocery list because I cannot access it without internet access. I need to stop being addicted to misc websites like these.

I am a bit sad I could not come up with cooler things to talk about in the 200th post but still it was something! If only PACHIA would help out and update more often (lazzzzzy....).


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