Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's Almost Time ...

So the super damn hot and sweet Keshi gave me this award…

Yeah, that was like last week. What’s your point?

Anyway, she gave it to me because I’m sexy, sensitive and a great cuddler very insightful and totally nailed a little quiz like thingy she did on her blog. Anyway, if you don’t read Keshi’s blog then you suck. Okay, maybe you don’t suck, but you probably do need to think about where your life is going.


My entry for this week’s CIWTFF (The meme that Candice didn’t really start, but I liked so I’m doing it anyway) is Rashida Jones…

From “The Office” and “Parks and Recreation.” Did you see her legs (and the rest of her) on Craig Ferguson this week? Totally freaking awesome. She charmed the pants off me right through the TV. Uh .. anyway …


So tonight was the Beerfest held at the White House by Pres. Obama. He has invited Henry Gates and Briscoe and Logan Officer James Crowley to have a beer and probably a cheeseburger and solve all race issues or something.

Personally I was hoping that when they all met for the photo op, Obama would pull out his wallet and show Crowley some ID and “proof” that they were at his residence. Come on now, you KNOW that would have been hilarious.

Well, everyone except the stick up their butts white people and our “elite” media would think it was funny. Those people have no sense of humor at all.


I also enjoyed this story today that Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz were both on the doping list in 2003. Not because it’s another blow to the arrogant Boston sports fans. No, I enjoyed that because it gives people another opportunity to be outraged and appalled and moralize about players who don’t play for THEIR team. It’s funny how people are so quick to go after players on other teams, but never seem to get around to criticizing players on their favorite team for the same or worse transgressions.


Which brings me to Mike Vick. (Just go with it, people) Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a huge animal lover. And dogs are pretty much at the top of that list. Snakes are at the bottom, but we won’t worry about them. And, I don’t want to upset little Cosette cause she’s a French breed and we all know those French can hold a grudge.

But, I do believe that Vick should be allowed back in the NFL. Since we can’t stick him in a cage with all of his dogs, we might as well let him play football. Let’s be real here. The NFL is full of really shitty people. Drug abusers, wife abusers, deadbeat dads, felons and people who have taken human lives. And if you think about it, Vick is the only one of all the criminals in the NFL who has been made to actually pay a debt to society.

Other’s have gotten 3 weeks in jail for running a pedestrian down. Some have gotten a stern talking to for beating the hell outta their wives. Others have done three months, scheduled so that he wouldn’t miss the season, for being a part of a business transaction where a trunk full of cocaine was moved.

Let’s not be total hypocrites about Vick. He’s scum, but he’s no worse than a whole lot of the people in that league.


Which brings me to Fantasy Football!

Hell yeah people! It’s just about time to get ready for fantasy football season again. I’m moving the Cynical Blog League over to this year. I think it just works out better. Plus, you can use ESPN Mobile to play on your phone. I know that the kids are into those things these days.

Of course, people who played last year get first dibs on playing this year. I’m sticking to a 12 team league too. I know of two people who won’t be playing, so that leaves 12 from last year. If they all play then the league is full. If any of them don’t want to play I’ll have openings. Unless I decide to go with 10 teams.

Anyway, who’s playing?

Here are last years players:










Hannah (NeBaby)

Formerly Fab


And our defending champion ..


*Tali basically stopped playing about halfway through the season last year and didn't respond to my emails. Therefore the League Commissioner has dismissed her from the league. He's a real hard ass.

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