Monday, July 27, 2009

Deep Fried Delights

So, the answer to the question of how the hell I can do all the work and traveling that I have been doing and still blog should be obvious by now. I can't. Sorry all.

Went straight from LA to San Francisco. Had a wonderful time. Won't bore you with the Who, Why, Where, When and What I Did On My Summer Vacation essay but there are a few things that came out of my time there. First, and of far greatest importance...

Who knew you could deep fry sugary treats??? I am gathering that the deep frying of random foods originated in the South and since I grew up in Northern California and have not attended many carnivals in my life - despite my love of Hillbillies / Carnies - I had never heard of the very thing that is now haunting me, even in my sleep.

Deep Fried Twinkies.

I learned from a friend last week that, not only can you deep fry Twinkies but, you can deep fry Oreos, Snickers Bars, Apple Pie... I had a Happygasm right then and there and have since been able to think of little else.

I got home and asked my friend Suzette if she had ever heard of such a thing. She had. Then, backed by the trumpets of Heaven, she announced that she has her very own deep fryer. Her husband gave it to her a couple of years ago and she has never used it. NEVER USED IT! Oh yeah, we're gonna put that Baby to work right quick.

Deep Fry Party: Twinkies, Oreos, Snickers, homemade chocolate chip cookies, Twix Bars... Then the sugar high will have me deep frying Tequila topped with deep fried pickles, grapes, cheese, those weird little Smuckers Peanut Butter & Jelly pies, beef jerky, licorice and Blair Underwood.

Colonic anyone?

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