Saturday, June 7, 2008

finally FREEE.

Pachia is gaaaaayyy and says she has nothing to post so I will post. So this week has been pretty crazy. I have officially ended junior year, went to graduation of my senior friends, took SAT IIs and lots of finals. CRAZY!!! Looking back, it seems like this was not a couple days ago. Well Tuesday and Thursday were finals but Thursday was last day and I actually did not have any serious finals in my classes. Yay.

WEDNESDAY's graduation. I didn't go to school that day because it was only 3 hours long and I wanted to leave for graduation before everyone else did after school. Hanh, Tiffany, and Jessica got a ride from me. I-5 was closed so we took the long way (local), felt like a million years to get to Arco Arena. To say it short; graduation was pretty okay. But the whole time I was thinking "This is us next year!" As I saw seniors walking the stage, people making the speeches, all I could think was about next year and ME GRADUATING and MY FRIENDS GRADUATING?! Surreal. Very. I cannot believe we have gotten this far. The two speeches made by the valedictorian (who I actually know) and the speaker at large (who I also know) were pretty inspirational. Even though they said the usual "cliche" kind of things... I felt the speeches were directed at me also. Gabe's quote for his speaker at large speech was the best.
“And will you succeed?
Yes! You will indeed!

(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed)”

-----DR SEUSS "oh, the places you will go"
Amy's valedictorian speech was mainly about how we should not be afraid of success. At first I was thinking.. I am more afraid of failure but I think at the same time, she is right. We are afraid of taking the future HEAD ON and being afraid to do things alone. We have to take chances. She inspired me to think that I will change my attitude for senior year. I AM GOING TO TAKE SENIOR YEAR FULL ON and no complaints and no fears. This whole time that people have being saying "oh yeah we are finally gonna be seniors yay". But I am in denial. I really do not want to be a senior. I am just a little girl who wants to stay at home and suck her thumb. But I have to be brave. I have to not fear anything. I will just do it and get it done! FOR ME AND ME ONLY!!!

But after the graduation, we rushed to go find as many of our senior friends as we could and take pictures and have "last goodbyes". I did not find all my friends :(, but it was all good. It was fun and it was actually a pretty happy event, I did not cry at all.
Tiffany, Francis and Me.
Francis went to the Phillipines for college :(

Before Graduation, at my house. Our dresses!!!
I wore my "wild dress".

Gabe had a million things in his hand so we (tiffany and I)
had to pull out his phone out of his pocket and hold it for him,
while we were taking pictures he was on the phone.

Jirell and ME.

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL was on Thursday. It was a really chill day for me. In AP Chemistry we had a potluck. So we wanted to make pancakes from the left over mix we had because Chem Club always has breakfast meetings. So we took two hot plates and foil on both. We put enough batter for one small pancake on one hot plate, then we took the foil and flipped it on to the other. Taylor sprayed on some non-stick spray (BAD IDEA) and we put the pancake batter on. Then it started to sizzle and bubble and Lissah thought it smelled weird and she said we should flip it. So we took the foil and flipped it but then IT BURST INTO FLAMMMMMESSS. It was right underneath the wooden cabinents too. Well we paniced and we couldn't think of anything to do. I was in the motion of thinking which way to run to put out the fire even though there was sweet tea in front of me and a sink next to the fire. Well the fire died out by itself a minute after but we were all shocked. We probably would have died at our slow reactions. We had to open the doors and windows because of the smoke. It was pretty crazy. That was a nice way to end AP Chemistry. At lunch, we just took lots of silly last day pictures of course.

Our cheesy crew

In celebration for last day of school, we continued our tradition from last year. We went to El Super Taco and I had a Super Burrito again. Then we went to Safeway and Red Berry and caused some ruckus. Then I had work. Sad, I had work on last day of school. But it is all good. I cannot wait for the summer to really begin!!!!

---------------goals for summer--------------------------
  1. learn how to drive (im almost a senior and i still do not know, SAD)
  2. do summer work early
  3. HAVE A KICKASS SUMMER because you freaking deserve it
  4. save money. a lot of money. for the future
  5. think about senior project. and research into it
  6. go somewhere different.


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