Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thank God for you, you and yes, you.


Dear Father,

Thanks for always reminding me to cherish the beautiful things in life.
Thanks for slowing me down when I accelerate on the journey of life.
Thanks for always reassuring me, whether it's by your Word or through your people.
Thanks for always protecting me, blessing me, and loving me unconditionally.

I really have nothing to complain about. My life's beautiful.

I have a great Father in heaven who is da' man...always there to welcome me back to His arms.

I have great parents who work so hard to give us a good life, always sacrificial and tolerant with our behaviour, always there to listen and comfort and love, always supportive and believing in us.

Mum & sis.

I have great sisters (of all ages!). They teach me how to lead, how to guide, how to be patient (oh yeahhh), how to love, how to pamper, how to be a sister.

My sisters love the fish eye function :)

Evangeline is a little aunty!

In her cool LV-looking transparent pink bag:
Diaper, a pair of clothes in case of emergency, and a milk bottle.

She brings it with her WHEREVER she goes. And she takes good care of it :)

I have a great boyfriend.
Selfless, supportive, faithful, sacrificial, generous.

Gladys ALWAYS has to be in the lemonlight......

He is truly one of the greatest hearts I've ever met. He's genuine, real, and he always seems to have everything put together. He's funny, humorous, isn't afraid to show his true self (sometimes too much i.e.: farting *ahem*) or to be embarrassed.

He's a genius, smart, brilliant. I can count on him for anything (especially when it comes to settling bills and stuff. maths is so not my thang!).

I feel so safe being with him. I feel so loved being with him :) <3
Thank God for sending him into my life...

I thank God for placing me in a wonderful church.

More than being the coolest and most happening church ever, it has become my second home. Spent the past 4 years there and I never regretted at all. I've become happier.

It's a place where I encounter God, where I grow spiritually, where I learn how to be a better individual week in, week out.

It's where I realise my passion, unleash my talents, increase in creativity & capacity to serve God and people, have the faith to step out of my comfort zone to do the things that I never thought I could achieve. I am where I am today because of City Harvest Church KL.

It's where I come back to God again, and again, and again.
It's where I will get married at and grow old at. A place where my own family will find refuge in the future.

That of course includes my cell group, subzone members, church friends and leaders. They make church life wonderful.

As well as friends outside church, working friends, extended family, and many more. I thank God for each and every one of you. (yes, all of you come across my mind as i'm writing this)

Don't be scared okay, I'm not plannin to commit suicide after I write this post. Just realised it sounds like a suicide note. Hahahaha I just thought, it is never be too late giving thanks and telling people around me that I love and appreciate them :)

If anything unexpected happens, at least you know that I truly love you :) This is my temporary home, and therefore, I'm not scared to go. Because I know that there's eternity beyond this life. But in the meantime, I'm enjoying every single bit on this earth.

As I grow older (and wiser? hehehe), I look at life from both sides now (wah sounds like the song). I'm aware of the ugliness of politics, the unfairness of this world, discrimination, poverty, conformity of life, death, and just how fragile life is.

I choose not to be ignorant, yet and at the same time, I choose to be positive. I choose to see the beauty in people and things, I choose to be happy, I choose to give, I choose to love, I choose to smile, I choose to laugh out loud. That might explain why I behave like a crazy girl sometimes.

On a random note, thank God for all the GOOD FOOD on earth! As well as the people who prepares them. Cooking is an art I've yet to master...yet la yet. Soon la yeah soon :P

Finally had my favourite green tea ice cream last night!

Dome's mushroom soup for RM15++.

Is it worth? Well, for the HUGE portion, yes.
But a tad too salty?

Lazy to go find more pics of good food I consumed in my lifetime..sleepy already :P

In a nutshell, I love this life that God has blessed me with.
All the things, and all the people. I'm thankful for all of you :)

love, careen.

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