Friday, April 16, 2010


Abbie, Phil and Willy hops on the cover of Todd's new book

The Altar of Todd. The Selby window at Barneys NYC.

Todd's little face lits up with joy at the sight of his very own Barneys window.

He even had his own custom Selby/Barneys bag.

What can i say about my good buddy Todds universe but that it seems to be expanding at the same rate that the polar ice caps are melting. He is a man obsessed with himself and other people. In his recent video he said he had a motto borrowed from rapper Lil Wayne who is one of my personal favourites and that was 'Eveyday I'm hustlin'. I believe that every day Todd Selby is hustlin' and that is how he has built this vast Empire of Selby-ness, i also believe that this is just the beginning and he still has a solar system and maybe some planets of fire and ice to add to the magical manifestation that is Todd World.

Thanks to my mate illustrator and painter Fanny B for the photo
Check out Fannys mega illustrations and see more pictures of the night here

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