Thursday, April 29, 2010

Democrats Endorse the Democrats!!!

I read a lot of blogs and of course the newspapers. Sometimes I wonder if they realize how meaningless some of what they write really is.

Take the blog Maryland Politics Watch. They announced that Governor Martin O'Malley has endorsed the socialist-leaning pro-illegal immigration incumbents in District 18 of Montgomery County, which include State Senator Madaleno, and Delegates Carr, Gutierrez, and Waldstreicher. And O'Malley had to throw in that they are helping Maryland move forward. That's an opinion. And it's meaningless. Forward to what? That bright shiny light?

Then our friends over at Red Maryland announced that they endorse former Governor Bob Ehrlich for Governor.


How meaningful is it when your cronies endorse you? It would certainly be news if O'Malley endorsed someone other than the members of the Montgomery County District 18 team that is full of liberals. It would be meaningful if he nominated Doug Duncan for something after bullying him out of the Governor's race several years ago. It would be news if he endorsed a Republican. But endorsing your friends is not news.

And I love Red Maryland. They have been pointing out O'Malley's colossal failures for several years and have been a pulpit to promote Ehrlich in his reelection bid. Yesterday they announced that they endorse Ehrlich for Governor. I guess they just needed to be on record endorsing him, but this isn't really news.

So for some more meaningless endorsements, I give you these:

I endorse thin hot blond women in bikinis to hang around me at the beach. (red heads and brunettes will not be turned away)
I endorse thick slices of pepperoni pizza for lunch.
I endorse my girls 5th-7th grade softball team as the most awesomest softball team.
I endorse Qdoba as the best "coming soon" restaurant in Eldersburg.
I endorse Van Halen for the title of the best band of all time.
I endorse Vote No'Malley as the Best Blog of All Time.

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