Monday, April 26, 2010

Re: Ricci/Forte's 'Macadamia Nut Brittle'


I only found out a few days ago about 'Macadamia Nut Brittle', a theater work created and performed by the Italian company Ricci/Forte that is apparently inspired by my books. I guess I found this very intriguing as well a big honor, of course, and, in trying to find out what the piece in question is exactly, I gathered together the post below as much to organize the available information for myself as to pass it along to you. But then I thought it might be interesting to go ahead and share the discovery with you guys. I don't know anything more about this theater work than you will know after you peruse the evidence below. I guess I'm thinking that maybe there are readers of my blog in Italy who might want to check the piece out and maybe let me know what it's like. If so, that would be great. 'Macadamia Nut Brittle' is being performed in Milan at PiM Spazio Scenico from 30th April to 3rd May, and at Teatro Piccolo Eliseo Patroni Griffi in Rome, from 18th to 30th May. I think there's more information and details on the Ricci/Forte website.



“…in their beautiful work, with fascinating title, Macadamia Nut Brittle, Ricci/Forte get a peak of their style and theater. Anna Gualdo, Giuseppe Sartori, Andrea Pizzalis e Mario Toccafondi are excellent.” -- Andrea Porcheddu, DELTEATRO.IT

“…tremendous stories, that make laugh, alternate with more intense and hallucinatory moments. The audience is involved, in a cathartic way, through this snuff movie called Life.” --Franco Cordelli, CORRIERE DELLA SERA

“…fascinating and provocative, Macadamia nut Brittle scares and surprises us, moves and confuses us; a theater of perfect pictures, very precise and built in meticulous architectures, frightening and coloured, impudent and indecent.” -- Giulio Baffi, LA REPUBBLICA

“…an excellent and fascinating show, which hits into the stomach, with the hardness of its visual language. A strong, continuous and bloody tension.” -- Antonella Melilli, HYSTRIO

“…a roaring success, a packed out auditorium and 5 minutes of applause.” -- Sergio lo Gatto, KRAPP'S LAST POST


PP. Your latest production Macadamia Nut Brittle premiered recently in Rome to some great reviews. What is it about?

RF. We do not know what truth is… the importance of that ambiguity is clear. In the face of how insane the world can be today, we derive a lot of inspiration from the scabrous poetry of Dennis Cooper and his literary universe.

With a sort of Mozart-ish impudence, we have tried to tell a cruel fairytale about adolescence. To unhinge the doors of so-called sexual normalcy, to beat the big drum of the forever youngs’ world, scattering salt on the wounds of a brutal life. It has been a natural reaction for us after processing the obsessive themes of Cooper. The mutilations, the bodily punishments, literally fucking yourself to death … are these grown-up reactions to the child within us who is still asking for help? Our work is a sort of life preserver in concert with Cooper’s vision which is woven with ours, fed of the same uneasiness, of the same lacks, of identical losses.

Four devourers of Haagen Dasz ice cream (Macadamia Nut Brittle, as in the title) – in a hospital department, on an airplane or in a tree house – materialise themselves in an oneiric tamagotchi where one has to reckon with identity, and not only GLBT. In this emotional fluctuation, we dive toward an unpredictable libertinism to discover who we are and what our tastes really are.

In these pieces, the rumba of the tears begins, the lacerations mark the figures, turning the happy family’s romantic dream of TV advertisements (like Barilla’s Mulino Bianco) into a nightmare.

We are victims, executioners, protagonists of this snuff movie that life offers, in desperate search of love in an impossible world where, at the end of the day, Nature, like men, is a bitch and unfaithful. Always.





p.s. Hey. So, who won the contest, and will the winner be so kind as to share the punchline of that joke because I'm wracking my brains over here? Otherwise, I guess it's Monday. ** Wolf, Ha ha, as if. I'd rather have a beer with Iggy than with Bowie too. If it was a coffee, I guess it'd be Bowie. Thumbs up on the new National album? I was considering it already. ** Oscar B, Hey, much missed pal. Cool and whew about the new iPod. Dude, the weather over here is heaven at the moment. I hope it sticks. I'm fine, working away, scouting adventures, patiently awaiting your return. ** Tomáš, Oh, darn, about the POL decision, but I'm curious to see/hear more of what they said, and, if it's an encouraging response, that's really good because I'm sure they mean everything they say. I'll check my email. I'm glad you're feeling mostly okay about it. ** Misanthrope, Yeah, that Jim Morrison dork is probably reptilian shapeshifter patient zero. I think reptiles snooze all night and scamper only or mostly in the day, no? Isn't that what cold blooded things do? And, dude, cold blooded, you aren't. A bitch, sure, but cold, nah, ha ha. ** David, Wow, you know your endings. I wonder if you won. I'm writing the p.s. on pins and needles. ** David Ehrenstein, The 'Pierrot le Fou' events sounds really good, Karina or not. Monte Hellman's making a new film? Is that not big news, or has he been putting out films I'm not aware of? Dang, I really do need to be in that Woody Allen film. I need to get some head shots made pronto. ** Bernard Welt, You could have won the contest easily too. Really, I think I only guessed three, maybe four. If anything interesting transpires in your conversation with David Trinidad, I'd love to hear. Who's publishing Tim's Collected Works? Who's writing the intro? Etc.? ** D. Cairns, Very impressive. Prize worthy in my book. And, additionally, hello, and how nice to see you here. You well? ** Math, You're over there on the good foot of America now, I guess. Digging it? Duh, I guess. If I've heard Hot Chip it was without a name tag. I'll hit those links you kindly provided once I've typed today's final period. Have a ton of fun! Make SF pay! ** Pascal, Oh, very nice about the good writing spurt. I was editing this weekend, but the editing spurt wasn't bad either. ** Sypha, Hey. Well, these things take time, for sure. These things being hearing back from publishers. I know because I'm the draggiest email answering publisher there is. ** Tigersare, Yeah, but fags rule! ** TIM MILLER QUEER PERFORMANCE ARTIST, Tim, my pal, my old buddy! So nice to see you. You are the hardest working saint in showbiz, man. I think I'm going to be in NYC in early August for a couple of weeks to work on that restaging of 'Them' with Ish and Chris Cochrane. And then I'll be back in fall sometime to work some more on it and then again whenever PS122 decides to book the show, and I'm not sure when that is yet. Awesome if it was in December. It would be so cool to see you perform at PS122 again. Lots of love to you, man. ** Put The Lotion In The Basket, I think I managed not to chillax this weekend either. I don't think I've ever chillaxed in my life, come to think of it. Have you? I think I'm too much of a busy body. I'd be a horrible 24/7/365 slave, wouldn't you? ** No more teenagekicks, Hey, M. Glad to hear Alan dazzled you. Here's my usual heartfelt, edge of my seat question: how's the novel? ** KYTE, Hey there, Special K! You did better than me no matter what. What's happening? Which projects are you headlong into at the moment and how are things going? ** Nick Tinsley, Hey, greetings, and welcome to this place. It's a pleasure. Excellent piece on 'Greenberg'/Baumbach on your blog. I was on the fence about seeing it in the theater, but you singlehandedly made me crave a seat. Thanks a lot. Respect to you. ** Bacteriaburger, Hey, bud. ** Justin, I not only have friends with cool parents but even friends who think their parents are cool. I wonder what's that like. I like(d) mine in a complicated way, but the word cool as never sprung to mind re: them. That's fine, I just wondered if I might have seen your friend in some stray Boynapped porn squib. That foreign movie poster contest is a good one. If you really don't think you're going to do it, I might, if that's okay. ** CycyLolo, Hey, Laurent! Yeah, I missed seeing you with Cyril. One more reason why you guys have to come back and visit Paris/me/et. al. as soon as this old city regains its magic for you. ** Joseph, Hey. Oh, your email addy, let me ... Everyone, I think it was mm, last Friday that I mentioned how Joseph is editing the poetry section of a certain excellent literary-ish website, and how you poets might want to submit poems to him, but I didn't have an address for you at that point, and now I do: Did you remember the crux of your comment? I had thing that I wanted to say today that my memory erased too. I don't think it was a crux, but, then again, how would I know if I don't remember it? ** Steevee, I'm pretty sure JS lives in LA. Well, I've seen him around out there there from a distance a fair amount anyway. ** Will Decker, Hey. Thank you for the kind thoughts re: the naysayers of my part in Gisele's work, but I don't really mind the dislike so much. I like making the jobs of people in power hard for them if they use their power to make things cozy and unchallenging. How was the Music Festival? Any highlights? ** Zod Microbe, Hey, man! Lovely to see you, and thanks for chiming in on the contest. Ultra-impressive. How's stuff with you? What's new? ** Bill, Fantastic! Thorough video evidence! I so know how I'll be spending part of my afternoon. Great! Everyone, as you might remember, the other day I alerted the Berliners among you to a gig by the superb musician/artist and d.l. Bill Hsu and collaborators Lothar Ohlmeier and Chris Heenan at the venue Quiet Cue. Well, the event is over, but it's been preserved for as much of eternity as the internet will encompass in video form, and I'm going to imbed the video down at the bottom of the p.s. for anyone who has the time, curiosity, and wisdom to see what you missed. Check it out. Bill's incredible, as many of you already know well. Here's Bill on the document: 'The recording is a little distant, so you can't really hear the gorgeousness of (Chris and Lothar's) sound. I think some of the visual stuff I do is really unfriendly to being captured by a video camera, so there are sections that don't look so good...' I'm thrilled I'll get to see the gig even in such a little box. Thanks! ** Tomkendall, I'll bet you're back on your feet and super-alert now. 7 am wake up calls will do that. What's the class that you're assistant teaching? If you already said, apologies for my spacing out. ** Kier, Hey. No, I haven't gotten the 'Flesh World'. Kind of weird, although, really, the mail around the Recollets really does trickle in sometimes inexplicably. I feel a lot better about the hospital thing after what you wrote. Yeah, my reference point is US hospitals, and they can, well, really suck basically. And I'll try not to stress about the electro shock thing too, but I still hope you end up not needing to go that way. If you do take the hospitalization route, will you have internet in there? I think today's decision day, right? Do let us know what happens, and tons of love to you, man. ** Christopher/Mark, Hey, Mark. A whole bunch of thanks for the Vincent Kartheiser interview. I sure know how to pick my obsessions if I don't say so myself. ** Bollo, Ooh, under wraps, intriguing. Clarify at your leisure. My weekend wasn't bad. A fair amount of staring on my end too, but at a Word document rather than white walls, not that there's all that much difference. ** Statictick, Well, consider me ever more piqued with curiosity with every day that ACT's legend is enhanced. ** Blendin, Hey. I'll save the loquacious explanation of my use of those particular words for an non-p.s. situation as soon we can find one, but surprising (well, self-explanatory, no?), progressive (advancing your art's field of play and adding to its effect-related intentions), and charismatic (well, they are, and charisma's a purely instinctual thing, at least in a short form reply). A small start to an answer, but a start. ** JW Veldhoen, Interesting, and, you know, thanks. Kiki Smith?! I say Tony Smith. ** Inthemostpeculiarway, Yes, it's supposed to be the sequel to 'Happiness'. A bunch of the same characters/ actors, I think. I guess I'll find out later this week unless I wait for Oscar and Kiddiepunk to get back. Mm, but isn't it human nature to retrospectively try to disprove something wonderful that's happened to you? I mean, I bet Sandra Bullock is thinking she only got the Oscar because more stupid neo-cons voted in her category this year. Wait, that's a bad example, You know what I mean. You don't seem bipolar to me, and I have eyes like a superhero. It's nice that your friend came over, and the fact that you almost cried maybe proves the point I was trying to make or something. Rhianna's aura feels trashy ... ha ha, good and true one. Uh, my weekend. On Saturday I worked on my novel fair amount, and I also did that interview with Gisele. It's for some new high brow erotic French magazine that's about to launch called '55'. I don't know know it's called '55'. It went pretty well, I think. It was kind of hot here on Saturday, and the interview took place at a cafe, and my chair was in the sun, and I got kind of pink. The rest of Saturday, I don't remember. Yesterday, I worked even more on my novel. Then I met with Gisele again to talk about the theater piece. We agreed about everything that was good and a mess about it, as we so often seem to do. We decided to cut this one long paranormal text thing I wrote for the trippy middle section of the piece that doesn't seem to be working no matter how much I rewrite it. I'm going to expand the other paranormal text 'spoken' by Jonathan Schatz during his paranormal-style entrance part instead, and I think we decided that I'm going to voice all of his texts because people are having a hard time understanding the texts as is due to his heavily accented English. And other stuff. Then we watched a movie called 'Domaine' that's the first feature film to be directed by Gisele's and my friend Patrick Chiha. It just came out here and has gotten great reviews. It's really good, very French. It stars the cool weirdo French actress Beatrice Dalle and the French teen heartthrob Isaie Sultan. After that, it was late-ish, and I did a whole lot of nothing until sleep grabbed me. Now Monday belongs to you. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hey. Hm, you're another person who likes the ending of 'Ghost Writer'. What an interestingly divisive movie ending that one is proving to be. I'm sticking to my 'it sucked' guns, but I'm starting feel uncomfortably outnumbered, ha ha. ** Well, it looks like Alan's going to name the winner today, so I'll go bite my nails somewhere. I hope today's post isn't self-indulgent. I'm experiencing slight pangs in that direction, but what's done is done, and you're all free as birds. See you tomorrow.

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