Thursday, April 22, 2010

Get Dogs Be Given Klonipin

The month of April should be the equivalent in the blogosphere for the months of January and February in the film world (with Golden Globes and Oscars ) because lately my blog is constantly receive prizes (you are spoiled me.)

This time there were two awards given me Juana Bayo, blog Al Teacher, Anne and Fatima of The Blog of Anne and Fatima ; Javier Morante and , blog Materials Hearing and Language.

The first Creative is the Blogger.

seems that one of the hallmarks of this award is to have seven things about the same, so here are seven other little things about myself:

  • I just got the definitive place for primary specialty. It will be a new experience, but I look forward to hearing and language.
  • I love art, especially architecture and Renaissance sculpture.
  • I love going to the movies, I must be one of the few people who does not download the movies
  • I like groups and soloists of the 70, and rock 70 and 80.
  • I love the cappuccinos and muffins from Starbucks .
  • I can spend hours in a cafe just talking to my friend @ s .
  • nerd I have a side that only vigilance my friend @ s .
The other award is named for Crown Laureate, whose meaning is as follows:

Symbol Victoria and Honor.

as a reward is delivered in a crown

winners in sports competitions.

Poets were crowned with laurel.

The winners warriors girded their heads with intertwined laurel,

even placed sprigs of laurel as a defense

against witchcraft in the doorways.

And this gift of the green crown, is to bring forth to you of your blogs,

if they have more than one, place it in a costadito ....

and these are protected

and if there is no belief in it Take it as a gift!


Entrego these awards to the following blogs:

Teacher-Student Blog

Hearing and Language

Our stuff

Hearing and Language

My classroom PT

Phonoaudiology: health and education

The blog of the Hearing and Language teachers

The Douglas Garden

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