Saturday, April 24, 2010

Alan presents ... FIN DE CINEMA


100 end titles appear below.

Can YOU identify the movies they come from?


1. Leave your answers as a comment before Dennis’s next post.

2. You can use other people’s answers if you think they’re right.

3. Ties are possible at the judge’s (my) discretion.

4. The winner gets the punch line to this (unrelated) joke I thought up today: How did Columbus discover America?

5. Don’t cheat by checking the sites I selected these from: Dill Pixels’s The End set on Flickr and Christian Annyas’s The Movie Stills Title Collection.

Bonus Questions:

1. When did they stop using end titles in movies?

2. Why did they stop?

3. How do you feel about end titles? Should they go back to using them?

4. Of the ones collected below, which is your favorite?

5. Can you think of any other memorable end titles?






































































































Extra credit:

















p.s. Hey. Thanks to our kindly guest-host of the next 48 or so hours -- and I'm of course referring to the knock out writer and d.l. Alan -- your powers of perception and, hopefully, your typing fingers should well occupied until further notice. May the 'best' d.l. or newbie win. Thanks a veritable ton, Alan, and, yes, thanks in advance to each and every one of you who takes up the challenge at hand. On a very different note, the wonderful writer Thomas Moore aka the dear d.l. Thomas Moronic is dealing with the sudden death his father right now, and please hold a strengthening and comforting thought for him. ** Bill, First, blow every Berliner possible out of the water tonight as only you can. Alex's blog is still there. Must have been a glitch or outage or something. As for our pal NB, well, he is a notorious swiper of his online presence on occasion, so I would imagine he's just into prioritizing the real at the moment. ** David, They always say that writers who worry about being plagiarists are the least likely to plagiarize, and I think that's true. So there's one more reason to let your creativity's freak flag fly or, rather, let your stud horse lead itself to water. Or something. You know what I'm trying to say. ** Memoirs of a Heroinhead, Hey, Shane! It's a true pleasure. I've heard it said that Lyon is the Hellhole of France, sort of like San Francisco is to the USA, ha ha. You landlord is trying to take your toilet away? I mean, that's a bit counterproductive, isn't it? Imagine my spirit is there behind the barricades with you because it is. ** David Ehrenstein, Fascinating about you and Warren Sonbert. That's going to be some chapter. What stage are you at with it? And that chapter title -- 'The Tuxedo Theater' -- is a total gem. ** Kiddiepunk, Well, I'm calling you Michelangelo from here on out for both reasons, of course. And then there's the additional reason that you remind me so much of that one Mutant Ninja Turtle too. How's the shitty stuff going? When are you coming back? The new Todd Solondz movie opens here next week. Should I wait to see it with you? ** Wolf, Another friend of mine once said the difference between cat lovers and dog lovers is like the difference between David Bowie fans and Iggy Pop fans. I thought it was quite odd that Michael Stipe was the only real rock musician/artist to be 'confirmed' as an RS. Does Paul McCartney count at this point? I say no. ** Put The Lotion In The Basket, It's from The Avengers? Oh, that could very well be. I think I really liked The Avengers as a youngun, but I can't remember the show very well now. Mod stylish, as I recall. Chillax is a tortured term. I don't like it either. Especially if spoken by someone's Dad. That's just gross. In any case, I wouldn't chillax this weekend even if I could. And we already know you won't. ** Sypha, Yeah, the name David Icke was all over those Reptilian Shapeshifter videos and comments. I didn't know who that was. Any progress or moves on the Rebel Satori front? ** Bacteriaburger, Hey, man. Last I checked, the numbers were moving beautifully in the right direction. I doubt you'll need it, but I'll give the drive another big push in a while if it seems like that would help. ** Oliver, It has to have started in the US, right? And based on the fact that the array of celebrities who are thought to be reptilized are something like 95% American, I imagine it's still mostly squared away there. In fact, almost all of the videos I found either had US or Middle Eastern origins. ** _Black_Acrylic, Since JW's job interview is now history, and the rest is up to fate, I'll uncross the fingers that I crossed for him, shake them out a bit, and recross them re: your Skinny position. Mm, yeah, I see what you mean about the specs you chose. Nice pick, yeah. Wow, 6 bids. Wait, you won them. So you're the legendarily canny 'l***c', eh? Of course I was hoping you'd say that your bro and you are heart to heart. Nice. Having a hellion sicko as a brother myself, I really mean that. ** Alex Rose, Hi, A. Hm, I didn't see the invite. Was I looking in the wrong place? I did see a bunch of intensely godlike new work. Show the show shots, yes, please. I want to make a show here to mark the occasion's auspiciousness. I can't remember the last time I bought a new Fall album or even necessarily heard one in its entirety. I'll stream the last song first. ** Thomas Moronic, Oh, Thomas, I'm so, so sorry. Yeah, I guess his body gave him the peace he wanted so badly. Every word I can think to say sounds feeble, but know you're loved furiously by me and many others in and around here, and anything you need or want is what we'll do everything in our power to give you. ** Dorna, Jesus, LA is so the ultimate place at the moment. Not that it isn't always. But even Paris du jour can't compete. Put a little extra lovin' into your Amy G-inspired applause for me, okay? Me, I'm pretty good at the moment. Too busy, but that's good. Brest was intense. We go back to work there again in three weeks, and that'll be intense too. Part and parcel. My main Brest references are the Genet novel and the fact that it's where A. Robbe-Grillet came from. It's not a pretty or very interesting place. At all. The port's kind of impressive. Wow, enjoy all that LA stuff, D., lucky lucky you. ** Steven Trull, I hate the Geico lizard. Such a snoot. My LA bed is a futon, and I miss it a lot. The one is here just an everybed. ** Justin, Your friend both believes in Reptilian Shapeshifters and modeled for Boynapped? I'm impressed. I wonder if I can figure out which model he is? Can you spare any hints? I hope your Dad both responds and surprises you with his coolness. If not, his loss. ** Kier, A serious, ribcage sculpting (but not breaking) hug to you, my pal. Why is being hospitalized a good idea? Is it the monitoring and opportunity/ coaxing to talk about things? Yeah, if you really think that will help, better that than living with the depression, I imagine. Mm, electro shock therapy ... granted that my idea of that is pretty colored by horror stories a la 'Cuckoos Nest' and stuff, but that's kind of an intense option, isn't it? Maybe it isn't as dangerous as I imagine? I don't know. I just so want you to feel better, man. And I hope the weekend is the beginning of a turnaround. Please let me know, and, gosh, so much love to you, Kier. ** Statictick, Hey, man. Yeah, I got the post, and it's all set up now and ready to launch on, let's see ... Wednesday, May 5th. It's fantastic! Thank you endlessly, N. Really. Interesting sounding changes and developments on the ACT front. Curious to hear where and how it lands, obviously. ** Pascal, I don't know if you saw his comment, but Put The Lotion In The Basket thinks or knows that it was from 'The Avengers'? How does that sound? Really glad you liked Zach German's novel. I'm crazy about it. Good news that you have weekend replete with writing planned. Me too. I'm in an up phase on my novel. We'll see how long it lasts. ** Steevee, I've been told by a reliable source that JS is a big reader and fan of this here blog, so, if you get another chance to say hi, he might already 'know' you in fact. Fingers crossed on that possible writing opportunity. ** Alan, Good, I get to thank you 'in person'. Thank you. Man, that's not easy quiz/contest you've got there. I tried and came to the conclusion I would lose pretty quickly. You know who'd probably nail it: John Waters. I know he reads the blog, but I doubt he'll weigh in, but, if he did, that guy knows his opening and closing credits. Mid-May, huh? Well, that's not too bad as far as delays go. I hope that ends up being a firm start date. Dude, another post from you would be heart-meltingly lovely, but don't nudge your start date any later in the process. Have a great weekend, judge. ** Creative Massacre, Hi, pal. Oh, totally understood about the weight of stuff you're under. I can't even imagine. I hope the certification exam thing passes by with flying colors and all that, and that your mom's health improves swiftly. A shame, of course, if you getting over here to Europe is too much right now, but, at the very least, now that you've got the idea in your head and you know it's possible, it'll happen sometime. Here's to a very non-ugh weekend to you if that's humanly possible. ** Amccartney, Hey, A. I'm pretty big on digressions. In most cases, I build such strict structures for myself that digressions are important to keep a quality of spontaneity in the work. It's funny you ask because my novel-in-progress is stuffed with digressions. The digressions are part of the central schematic, so I'm very involved in allowing them and trying to make them work these days. Long story short, yeah, I trust them both as a writer and reader, and their length isn't an issue. An awesome weekend to you too. ** Inthemostpeculiarway, First, your Bendy story/ recounting was seriously dreamy and beautiful and touching and achy and a lot of other great things. Wow, in fact. That could be one of those lifelong memory days. Terrific description of your friend's voice. And you (sometimes) question your writing ability. Pshaw! Your song of yesterday is a great one, yep. I love that song. I love M83. I don't think I had a song yesterday, or, if I did, it was another New Pornographers song or a stockpile of them. The interviews: Well, one of them is going to be a video interview, so I guess that might end up online. And I think the Butt Magazine interview is going to be excerpted maybe on their blog. The other two are for French magazines, and I don't know if they're paper only or destined for some website. My day extremely pales after yours, but, nonetheless ... I'm gradually getting back into a hard, steady novel work phase, so I did some of that yesterday. At 3 pm I strolled down to the Centre Pompidou to meet up with my friend Cyril, who is one of the d.l. team CycyLolo. He's just about to move away from Paris to a small town in the South of France, and I hadn't hung out with him in ages, so we had a long coffee at a cafe and just talked and caught up. It was really nice, and I'll miss him and his boyfriend/ my friend Laurent, although I'm sure they'll be back to visit the big city before too long. When I got back here to the Recollets, I worked on the novel some more. On my walk back, I saw a poster for the Todd Solondz movie 'Life During Wartime' and realized it's opening here next week, and I'm kind of excited by that. What did I do in the evening? Mm, not much, I guess. Gisele called to confirm the time and place of our duo interview: today, 2 pm, a cafe called 'Aux Ours' in the 20th arr., which is kind of big trek for me, which is sort of a drag. It was quiet on the family front, but it won't be for long. I think other than eating and smoking, that was my day pretty much. Now it's your weekend to live and describe. ** Blendin, I kind of figured Cher is horrific in the flesh. She's even horrific in airbrush. God love her. Yeah, the collages are a real good thing. Surprising, progressive, and charismatic as all get-out even. I'd like to see you guys on the Red Carpet, yeah, Big surprise, right? ** Nerstes, I had that bunny when I was about, oh, 10 or 11 years old. His (or her, I guess) name was Mr. Bun. I don't think I was responsible for that name but maybe. Mr. Bun escaped through a hole in the fence of our backyard and got run over by a car. I think my parents shouldn't have let the bunny run loose in our yard. The good thing about spirits is that they get really bored of being crashed on the ground after a while. Jesus, could be more of an optimist? Hm, maybe. In any case, I am, and if history is anything to judge by, my optimism is usually spot on. Maybe you need a vacation. Can you take a vacation? The big rare/used books sites are pretty reliable, I think. I don't think I've ever had a serious problem. You just check the seller out via the rating thing to make sure he or she or them is a legit person or business. Dude, can I wish you a really nice weekend? I guess I just have. And respect to you! ** Misanthrope, Oh, gosh, thanks for props, big guy. Only a reptilian shapeshifter would ask that question about world leaders. That's what I think. ** Okay, have the best weekends you can, and I guarantee you that taking Alan up on his contest challenge will only improve your chances. Bye until Monday.

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